There's a post on Joystiq today entitled <a href=" ... ing/">Free Expression Isn't Always a Good Thing</a>, in response to someone who used a swastika as their MKDS userpic.
Normally, I would just read a post like this, be mildly interested at the initial overreaction, be intrigued by the discussion, and move on - every game that allows online play has the ESRB "experience may change online" disclaimer for precisely this reason - but one of the comments made me pause. Comment #7, in fact, reads "This AC:WW town is much more offensive" and then there's a link to <a href=" ... .jpg">this picture</a>.
Seek, I remember you saying something about how your town is full of Nazi/Soviet imagery (although you never mentioned anything about any O&A/WOW theme) - is this it?
Normally, I would just read a post like this, be mildly interested at the initial overreaction, be intrigued by the discussion, and move on - every game that allows online play has the ESRB "experience may change online" disclaimer for precisely this reason - but one of the comments made me pause. Comment #7, in fact, reads "This AC:WW town is much more offensive" and then there's a link to <a href=" ... .jpg">this picture</a>.
Seek, I remember you saying something about how your town is full of Nazi/Soviet imagery (although you never mentioned anything about any O&A/WOW theme) - is this it?