The first video was from the Tokyo game show a year ago, that was what caught a lot of our attention here.
The second one is a clip from the intro trial for Phoenix Wright: and Justice for all. The game will be out in 2 months, January 16th to be precise. Considering what happened to the first Phoenix Wright, this is a game that I highly recommend pre-ordering. It is my favourite single player game on DS.
Arguably, Animal Crossing WW can said to be the best single player game on the system, but a lot of the fun in it is the WiFi multiplayer aspect, so it is kind of a single player game that has mutliplayer aspects to it. It can be played as a single player game, but that would be a very limiting experience. Some of the stuff I have seen in peoples towns is amazing, some of the art work. There was one town that was filled with portraits of Aytollah Khomeini which used 4 squares, it was like walking into that final town in Terranigma; or some place in Iran =P
I would like to do a similar thing with Che Guevara, but I lack the patience right now =)
Anyways, Phoenix Wright: And Justice For All, that game is definately on my priority list. Based on how good the first game was, and seeing how this one looks very similar, I would judge ahead of time that this one will be at least as good as the first; it will be great to see some more cases to play, because I have already played over Ace Attorney three times now, and craving something new =)
-Insert Inspiring Quote-