Zeus wrote:That's what I've been doin' since the N64-PSX days. I pick one in the beginning then get the other(s) when the price drops to a reasonable level, often 1 year after the system drop. That's when I used to be able to get it for half the launch price or about $150 or less Cdn. With the prices of the 360 and PS3, that's a much longer time now, likely 2-3 years before I get them for $200 Cdn or less.
It pays to own multiple consoles =)
I have been a multi-console supporter since I was 4 or 5, C64 and NES =)
Then PC (I think this was a 286), MSM,
Genesis, Gameboy, Game Gear, New PC (286 or 386, forget now), SNES,
New PC (486), Saturn, PSX, N64, New PC (400mHz),
Dreamcast, An iMac (1ghz), New PC (1.2 GHz),
PS2, GC, GBA, Xbox, New PC (2.4 gHz), and DS,
another new PC (3.6 gHz).
In this order.