Oracle wrote:Zeus wrote:Oracle wrote:
See, but we do have a "none of the above". Vote independent or green party :p
I look at it differently than you do. If I vote, and the person that I voted for doesn't represent me how they promised they would, I say that's a pretty good excuse for complaint.
I don't think that not voting will solve the problem. I honestly think that we need to get more people from fringe parties elected to parliament. This will show the main power parties that Canadians have lost faith in what our traditional government parties represent. Problem is most people don't have the balls to "throw away their vote" (at least that's how many people I know feel about voting for Green or Federal NDP), and I didn't either in the last election. This option is the closest thing we have right now to "none of the above."
But that's like wasting your vote or not voting at all. They have no chance and never will so they will never have the power to do anything. Whether I vote Green or not vote at all will result in the same garbage politicans running our city/province/country (especially after the NDP screwed up so much in Ontario in the 90's).
You were the one who wanted a "none of the above" option. This is the next best thing. It's a way to record voters who have no faith in the people running for election.
The problem is you get lumped in with the "environmentalists" or "the crazy left-wing nuts" if you vote for either of them. You're considered a fringe voter that the parties write-off a simply a percentage of the population they just can't get to vote for them. Their habits/strategies won't chance 'cause of that vote.
I want a way for me to say "you all suck" and not be labelled anything else as a voter. There's no way I can do that. Putting the Green party or the NDP in power doesn't say that all.
Besides, if we had a true "none of the above" option, there would be ZERO excuse for anyone to NOT vote. As it stands right now, those of us who want to vote but have nothing to vote for have no say. Hence my non-voting even though I've closely followed the last couple federal and the last provincial elections and was trying to find a reason to vote.
This "none of the above" has enormous accountability ramifications. Even if you say that it's just for tracking purposes and it's the party with the highest number of ridings wins. Imagine if the news stations tracked "none of the above" as a dummy party, seeing how many ridings they would have actually won if it were a real party. Now imagine that it comprises either a win or a close win in any city or province. That would force the politicians to rethink strategy to try and get those voters who vote but won't vote for a party 'cause it would show these guys that there are a lot of truly disenchanted voters and not just fringe voters, especially if you're talking about a 75% voter turnout and about 25% of those (about 19% of all eligible voters) say "y'all don't deserve to be in power". Now, imagine if "none of the above" led on a federal level.....
Politicans have fought real accountability since the inception of democratic politics and will continue to do so 'til the end of time. It's up to the public to force them to be accountable. We have the ability to do so but people are too comfortable/selfish to care about anyone but themselves. We have far less sense of community and care/know far less about our neighbours or cities than the Americans do. They occasionally fight for something, we never do.
The only time I"ll ever have a reason to vote is to keep some crazy nut-job like Bush out of power (I wonder how many Americans would rather have the cardboard cutout Kerry in power now?). I almost did that in the last federal election to keep Bushper out of power, but our Liberal had a huge lead in our riding, it wasn't necessary. But I would have if it were close at all.
But that's all I can do, defensive voting. I'll never truly have a voice in our current political system and my vote truly doesn't mean anything. Regardless of who wins, I lose. I have to deal with the shit that any party throws at me and it's all severely fermented, week-old elephant dung. All I do is keep washing it off.