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Maybe I shouldn't be so happy about this, but Gonzales was such a piece of work, and firmly in the thrall of the neocons.
I found it sad that the first Latino attorney general was such a complete waste, but that's kind of a lot of Bush's cabinet. Apparently Bush was more committed to racial equality than to actually finding people who could do the job without massive human rights violations and corresponding incompetency. I approve of the tendency towards racial equality, but still, man, feeling some real joy, joy, joy that this fucker is heading out.
Maybe I shouldn't be so happy about this, but Gonzales was such a piece of work, and firmly in the thrall of the neocons.
I found it sad that the first Latino attorney general was such a complete waste, but that's kind of a lot of Bush's cabinet. Apparently Bush was more committed to racial equality than to actually finding people who could do the job without massive human rights violations and corresponding incompetency. I approve of the tendency towards racial equality, but still, man, feeling some real joy, joy, joy that this fucker is heading out.