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  • Bleach Movie

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #110352  by Tessian
 Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:04 pm
Anyone else catch this yet? DB's had it for a while it seems but I just watched it tonight... holy fuck was that a good movie. It's got just about anything you could want in a Bleach movie. Large scale battles, decent moving storyline... nice. Especially fun to watch with being stuck in filler-mode in the current anime.

 #110359  by SineSwiper
 Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:53 am
Hmm, okay. After the three Naruto movies, I was beginning to think that the anime-series-to-movies totally sucked. Hell, I couldn't even finish the 3rd Naruto movie.

 #110361  by Eric
 Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:40 am
Most anime movies based on TV Series DO suck.

There are exceptions mind you.

Inuyasha's 3rd movie that was about his father was awesome for instance.

 #110363  by Tessian
 Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:47 am
Eric, does that mean you saw it too and agree?

I have limited experience with anime movies... although now saying that I know Cowboy Bebop movie rocked and I just watched the new Ghost in the Shell: SAC movie the other night that was pretty cool.

I never stuck around with Naruto long enough before movies came out... I watched Naruto before it was "cool" and years before it started airing on CN. Still got the first ~150 fansubbed episodes on my HDD here, heh.

 #110366  by Eric
 Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:51 pm
Meh, there are certain rules to Anime Movies that either make them good or bad.

1) You can never use any new powers, what you've seen in the series you're watching is what you're gonna get in the movie, depending on where the series is at currently.

2) Your main character always uses some special attack that has defeated some main villain in the series against the main villain in the movie, it'll look 10x more devastating and it has a 100% success rate. If this doesn't happen, immediately, or said attack fails for whatever reason it'll appear later, and for some reason or another be 10x as strong. In addition to this the main character(s) always get beat up by the same weaklings they beat down a half hour later, it's pretty stupid how lax people get for no good reason, and why they get strong with no explanation, in a series there's some semblance of an explanation over the course of a story arc, in a movie it just doesn't add up.

3) It's filler, the movie brings up characters you don't usually give 2 shits about, worst case scenario you get horribly annoying characters like little children who cry because they lost something "precious" or some moody adults who have a dark past and the main character relates with and feels their pain. The surrounding cast around the main attraction(The Series regular characters) are almost annoying 90%-100% of the time to a point where you'd wish they'd die.

4) The Villains almost always suck. I don't know why this is the case, there have been good stand-alone movies with a wicked villain, but when it comes to a series based movie, you always end up with some scrub, or idiot, that's a small fry compared to the villains in the main series, and just don't make sense.

5) Simplicity: The plot is always cut and dry and simple. It's not interesting, in alot of cases it's sometimes just downright stupid.

There's more I can rant about, but meh.

Inuyasha's 3rd movie broke down most of the above barriers. The Villain was awesome, the plot rocked, it involved mainly series regulars, it involved the background of the 2 most popular characters, while most of the main character's attacks didn't work, it actually made sense why they didn't work, in addition it was not the main character alone in the end who achieved victory with a super-version of his main attack. There were new things introduced, new powers, though they were movie exclusive, etc ,etc.

I haven't watched Bleach's movie yet, but I'm hoping it's a little more interesting/entertaining then most series I've seen get a movie.

 #110369  by Tessian
 Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:06 pm
I can't dispel most of your problems without spoiling the movie...

#2's not true, #3 I can't really say... aren't all movies technically filler? Can't advance a storyline in a series via a movie, can you? I can tell you that 95% of characters are main characters in the show and they really take time to develop most of the new ones.

#4 I didn't think they sucked at all...we're talking an apocalyptic scenario though :P

Give it a shot, I'd be interested to hear what you think

 #111742  by Eric
 Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:38 am
Ok I watched it, and ummm spoilers galore, don't read below this if you don't wanna be spoiled:

#2 DID happen, The Captains showed up, asked Ichigo to hand over Senna, he refused, bad guys show up. Weakling bad guy who had his arm chopped off the other day is now stronger. Bankai Ichigo gets 1-shot by the main villain. Later in the movie, Bankai Ichigo for whatever reason becomes more powerful and takes out villain, but not they before they have a glorified fight and he gets beat up a little. I've seen it a million times.

#4 They were pretty sucky, lol. There was like no information about these guys, except that they were former nobles of Soul Society. I just didn't find myself caring about the final fight between whoever the heck it was Ichigo killed to end the movie, and I didn't even know who the other 5 are, I can't even remember their names.

I mean overall it wasn't a bad movie for what it was, if you like Bleach, and you like Bleach's action, you'd like the movie, period. It gets points for milking the fact Ichigo is kind of a playboy, and girls swoon around him. It gets points for involving almost all of the Soul Society Captains(Including Byakuya Kuchiki, who's awesomeness rivals that of Sesshomaru for evil, bad-ass brothers). It however has been done before and brings nothing to the table for Anime Series->Movies.

 #111878  by Tessian
 Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:49 pm
I saw your reply here damnit Eric-- had to go threadjacking elsewhere :P

I really like Bleach so the movie just really appealed to me. #2 I can't argue with, #4 I wonder what you want them to do about bad guys that are only part of a 2 hour movie? They made them appear very strong at first but in the end everyone joined in and kicked their asses. I did really love the part where most of Soul Society joins in... seeing Kenpachi fight again just made me smile :) At this point in the series (ep 141 I think I'm on) I'm almost getting sick of seeing the same 4-5 shinigami fighting...

Speaking of which... when the HELL are we going to see his Lieutenant, the small purple haired girl, fight?? She's only ever running around being goofy and calling people weird names... I bet she can kick more ass than Kenpachi.