Getting back on subject I'm torn with Scott doing a prequel. Here are my reasons.
1) Robin Hood got TERRIBLE reviews, Body of Lies wasn't that good, American Gangster, with all of Denzel's glory was too long and felt like it had no direction. Now I will note that all three of these films had Russell "fucking" Crowe in them. I like Russell though. I think he is a talented actor and he works with Scott because no one else will hire him. Will one of the two prequels (yes I said two according to IMDB) have him in it? It might be worth it but...
2) has been 7 years since I thought Scott did some of his best work (Matchstick Men) and 9 years since he got Josh Hartnett and Ewan McGregor to actually ACT (Blackhawk Down) [Save Tom Sizemore! He was fucking epic in that movie!]. None of those films had Russell Crowe in them.
3) Scott hasn't directed a Sci-Fi film since Bladerunner in 82 (No Legend is not sci-fi and Kingdom of Heaven starred Orlando Bloomin Onion so those don't count). Now this could be a good thing. He's had a long hiatus from the genre and really wants to get back into it. Maybe he will go back over his notes in Bladerunner and maybe the producers will actually let him create the film like he wants too (a la the directors cut and final cut). Who knows but I'll give him that he has left Sci-fi alone for 20 years and he left it on an astounding note.
4) But, this is where I equate Scott to Dick Vermeil of the Rams. You Retire on top with the eagles to be brought back to the Rams and win yet another Super Bowl. Then you go to the Chiefs and dismantle the team even though your running game is excellent. Scott retired from Sci-Fi direction with Bladerunner and now comes back to his roots with the Alien series where it all began. Let's hope he does the same and hit this one out of the park but there are a few things going against him here. A) No Star Wars dominance of the box office like when Alien and Bladerunner came out.

He's doing Sci-fi in a fantasy dominated market right now (Twilight, Harry Potter...) C) His favorite cinematographer from Blade runner is dead. D) This is a prequel.
5) Who cares about the Alien in the chair? Is Scott trying pull a Cameron here and do something Avatar-esque where there are no humans? I guess I have too many questions from his interviews about what this is going to be about. I have high hopes but I don't want it to be turned into some Navi CG bukake love fest here. Hopefully Scott can step away from the CG-crutch a lot of directors rely on and use some miniatures like in Blade runner. Those look way better than CG anyway.
Now I'll admit I'm a bit biased here. Yes I've referenced Bladerunner probably one to many times but shit, you don't get much better sci-fi than the early 80s. I want this to work but there are probably more obstacles here than there were with the Original Alien. Just my two cents.
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.