I've payed praise to this game, probably, dozens of times in the past on this website. So you can imagine I am fairly excited to get this one =)
It was released in Europe yesterday, and that is almost a guarantee it will be here on Monday, and if not this Monday then the next.
For those who do not know what the game is about... Essentially a man (who I'll add looks kind of like a hobo) wanders back into the Kingdom of Xanadu. He finds that the Kingdom is under attack by the Dwarves (Huge Dragon/Demon like monsters that stand about 8-9 feet in height). He walks over to the King who begs him to please save the Kingdom from the Dwarves...... The King gives him a whopping 1500 XED (Xanadu Elf Golds)... which appear to be a very devalued form of currency since a simple small shield costs 800, so the Kingdom appears to be suffering economically as well. Anyway, the King gives enough just cash to the hero in order to buy a dagger, some food, a deluge spell, and a jack key to get out of the city; and from this point, everyone is confident the hero will save the world and emerge victorious against the "Dwarves".
I ****ing love this game =)
It was released in Europe yesterday, and that is almost a guarantee it will be here on Monday, and if not this Monday then the next.
For those who do not know what the game is about... Essentially a man (who I'll add looks kind of like a hobo) wanders back into the Kingdom of Xanadu. He finds that the Kingdom is under attack by the Dwarves (Huge Dragon/Demon like monsters that stand about 8-9 feet in height). He walks over to the King who begs him to please save the Kingdom from the Dwarves...... The King gives him a whopping 1500 XED (Xanadu Elf Golds)... which appear to be a very devalued form of currency since a simple small shield costs 800, so the Kingdom appears to be suffering economically as well. Anyway, the King gives enough just cash to the hero in order to buy a dagger, some food, a deluge spell, and a jack key to get out of the city; and from this point, everyone is confident the hero will save the world and emerge victorious against the "Dwarves".
I ****ing love this game =)
-Insert Inspiring Quote-