I'm a high elf magic user. Around level 37 at the moment.
I'm pretty mad right now, however, as my Companion's Quest Line (i.e. Skyrim fighter's guild) is bugged and I cannot proceed. This is due to the fact that I cleared out the dungeon area for this step already, so the new step will not trigger..... I've done extensive research on this, and as far as I can tell I'm fucked since I'm on the 360, not the PC, and do not have console access to reset the quest....
I got my smithing up to 100 yesterday, doing the iron dagger/leather bracers method (I found it out myself, haven't really been reading strategy on the game). I have my enchanting up to around 87 now. Need to get it to 100 to put 2 enchantments on stuff.
I'm using robes with 15% casting cost reduction 100% magicka regen and +50 magicka, Morekei's mask (100% magicka regen), and the light dragon armor for hands (+39 magicka) and feet (+28% one handed damage), and gave my lacky a full set up upgraded LEgendary Dragonplate armor, too. I have ring, necklace, chest piece and gloves that all give me +23% to smithing improvements, so my upgraded light dragon armor chest piece is at like 90 for defense. My Daedric sword is at 70 for attack (currently have the 40% damage perk plus 28% from boots).
I generally run around dual casting the same spell (normally firebolt, apprentice level magic) just for the fact that with the destruction perk, I momentarily stun people when I hit them with a dual cast, which makes taking enemies down 1 on 1 very easy, including dragons. I've killed around 10-15 dragons, somewhere in there. First one, very hard. Once I got dual casting stun perk, very easy
Lately I've been running around with my sword and soul trap and have been farming soul stones, which I then use to enchant my bajillion iron daggers/leather bracers, then sell back for a tidy profit. This is mainly how I've got enchanting to 87.
Other than dual casting, I'll also run around with my daedric sword out and fast healing with the other hand. I also like lobbing fireballs, chain lightening, and frost storm, but those only work in large areas, otherwise I will more than likely kill my lacky in dungeon areas. For that, I'll just dual cast fire bolt, go sword and fast healing, or use healing hands on the lacky and just keep them up if the space is so confined that I can't cast without blowing the lacky up.
My destruction skill is at 72 right now, smithing 100, enchanting 82, one-handed 55, restoration 40, conjuration 50 (solely from soul farming with soul trap), 34 heavy armor (which I will never use again), 30ish light armor, 60 lock picking.... that's all I can remember right now.
I haven't put any perks into Conjuration, Heavy armor, light armor, or lock picking. Smithing is full, have 7 points into enchanting, 2 into one-handed, 4 into restoration, a whole crapload into destruction.... all I Can remember again off top of my head.
Right now I'm doing the thieves guild quests, just started them last night. I've finished everything with the mage guild and am now the Arch-Mage. As far as the story line goes, I need to meet some chick from the blades after killing a dragon with her, which is still fairly early on in the story line.
I believe I'm playing on normal. I still have to beat Dark Souls, and that is hard enough without trying super-duper-difficult mode in Skyrim. I actually want to enjoy this game, and not be frustrated