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  • Eminem and D12 "These albums are disgusting! They don't hold up!"

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #173385  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:02 pm
So, I read a bunch of bad nasty reviews of these, and that inspired me to listen to the first four LPs of the Eminem/D12-verse: The Slim Shady LP, Chronic songs featuring Eminem, The Marshall Mathers LP, Devil's Night, and the Eminem Show.

I fucking love these albums, they're funny as hell. I think Eminem and D12 really gets the sort of comedy I tend to like - dark-disturbing, and an injection of the darkest drama in the middle of it. I like either of these things on their own, but when mixed together it takes on a dark comedy of a different sort of level, a different sort of emotional cocktail, a different energy.

Not just that, the verse engineering is excellent on these. I find the whole " XO That 'lyrical miracle BS is CRRRRRINGE! It's CRINNNNNGE XO " to be something to shake my head at :roll: . - Come on, what happened to the sense of humour of the world? "CRRRRRINNNNGE!" :thumbup:

The funny thing is culture went full circle, so a lot of the lyrics sound like they're targeting today's stick-in-the-anus society. It makes things a little more funny.

I have a theory. Something I think we all knew back in the 1990s but has become a taboo thought today just to say it: many many many people are not getting laid, and its fucking up their brain chemistry because they're directing that pent up energy in things other than the pursuit of sex, but in the pursuit of political agendas and trashing other people's art - fuck that!

These people are getting more and more miserable: Brain says "I wanna get laid!" the solution "Let's put on funny hats, go to a political rally!" or "Lets launch a crusade against the audacity of casting decisions, powerful women, or discrepancies from the source material!" Damn! If Conan the Barbarian (82) came out today, one of my favourite films of all time, I think it would get eviscerated: Discrepancies from the source material all over the place, Conan barely talking, black people leading medieval barbarian hordes, women with swords beating the crap out of men, etc... I don't know, I think Conan the Barbarian is awesome!

I don't know, its's just a thought - or rather a series of them.
It's been a bit since I made a post.

RIP James Earl Jones
 #173393  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:53 am
Here are my favourite songs about not giving a fuck.
My most listened to of the not giving a fuck songs is Tupac's, and not just because of San Andreas, 2Pacalypse Now was a massive album for me during my teen years.

I like both Eminem songs, but prefer this one:

But Jon Lajoie gives the least amount of fucks:
 #173396  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:09 pm
Great song, great album.
But the critics have reverted back to their 1999 mentality. To think, in 99 it was our parents saying this was too offensive, now it’s our kids.

Rolling Stone gave the album 2 out of 5 stars because “Eminem is using his battle against Slim Shady so he can push offensive views.” - in a nutshell.

It’s as if they believe in the absurdity of his Slim Shady character saying things like fuck blind people, the deaf, and quadriplegics.

“Oh no! He’s punching down!” :D

The reason why comics and rappers are “punching down” isn’t because they genuinely hate the blind and the deaf, it’s because it’s absurdly cruel that it hits those dark comedy/entertaining notes. They try to lump this stuff with Joe Rogan’s latest lame comedy show. When Eminem is really more up there with comedians who are actually talented, like Dave Chapelle and Jimmy Carr… both of whom got attacked by the same sorts of critics that are slamming Eminem, Rolling Stone and compared to hacks like Joe Rogan.

And I’m not saying Joe Rogan can’t say what he’s saying in his sets. Only that I think he’s lame while others are entertaining. Though, I’m sure Rogan’s comedy has at least a few fans.

On the bright side, the counter-response to Eminem’s latest album might have made it the top seller for the year.