<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Hey, thanks a pantload, Square, for making me rely on junctioning magic to my stats, only so the last boss can randomly <b><i>eliminate my magic spells!</b></i>
I think I may hate Final Fantasy VIII more than I hate VI now. The story may have been way fucking stupid in VI, but at least I could never get pissed at the very magic/battle system it used. All this stupid time compression bullshit in Final Fantasy VIII can easily contend with the shit I had to watch in VI, and to top everything off, the junction system is slowly driving me into a spiraling madness from which there is NO FUCKING ESCAPE. Aaaahhhh! I hate this game with the passion of a thousand suns! I will cast it into the fires of Mount Doom and then, when it tries to rear up out of the lava for its last dying breath, I will pull my pants down and <b><i>piss on it!</b></i>
--Lee S.</div>
I think I may hate Final Fantasy VIII more than I hate VI now. The story may have been way fucking stupid in VI, but at least I could never get pissed at the very magic/battle system it used. All this stupid time compression bullshit in Final Fantasy VIII can easily contend with the shit I had to watch in VI, and to top everything off, the junction system is slowly driving me into a spiraling madness from which there is NO FUCKING ESCAPE. Aaaahhhh! I hate this game with the passion of a thousand suns! I will cast it into the fires of Mount Doom and then, when it tries to rear up out of the lava for its last dying breath, I will pull my pants down and <b><i>piss on it!</b></i>
--Lee S.</div>
<hr><p><p><center><a href="http://lee-starnes.diaryland.com"><img src="http://www.spoonyinc.com/tows-sigs/a-groupcpr.jpg" border=0 alt="Click For Lee's Stinking Life Story"></a><br><p><p><br><br>I can't access this site with Internet Explorer anymore. God damn fuck shit damn.