Barret wrote:I dunno, he probably thought of them, but Carmack gets more props for actually getting it out there. If Romero is who he sounds like, he would have kept it to himself and all his elitest friends and been a pompous prick.
Carmack said "hey, look what I can do" from a technical standpoint. It's Romero who said "hey, we should use it to make this" from a visionary standpoint. I don't care what you can do technically. You can have the best tools in the world, but if you don't have someone there to properly use the tools, the tools are useless.
Since he's left, all they've done at id is refine the FPS genre. They're really lost the vision that made them what they are. They're now milking the cow, they're one of the companies that's positioned themselves as a genre leader, as that developer said in the article I posted on why Nintendo needs to innovate.
Read the book Masters of Doom or wait for the Showtime movie that's coming out. Carmack is a pure programmer, Romero was the gamer as well as a programmer. He's the one who had the vision of the games. It's his vision that's killilng him as a deisgner now without Carmack; the whole its-cool-but-not-really-feasible-or-fun thing. That and his arrogance.