The whole game just feels longer for no good reason. Playing computer seems to be even more finding the magic moves that they don't happen to block than the last two games. Every character with even a slight pause in their speech uses the '...' which seems annoying. I also don't like how they tried to add story to each stages with most of them ending up as, "You decided to see if X will give you a clue, but you were assaulted by Y, and you found nothing anyway." The Chronicle of the Swords mode seems needlessly long and I got bored with it after chapter 2. They also assumed certain things happen in the last game (Siegfried won, Raphael got cursed, etc) but they never tell you that and just expect you to know when you run into Raphael. Of course if you check his bio you'd know, but I don't think you have to do that.
On the plus side, Siegfried is cool, and the game is still as pretty as it alway has been. Music, as always, is top notch too.
On the plus side, Siegfried is cool, and the game is still as pretty as it alway has been. Music, as always, is top notch too.