I actually came across this researching ninjutsu philosophy, of all things.
Anshu Christa Jacobsen is apparently:
1) An accredited and belted ninjutsu headmistress with her own dojo
2) An unashamed and practicing nude/softporn model, geisha and paid escort
3) An unashamed and practicing witch
http://www.anshuchristajacobson.com (WARNING: Rather very NSFW)
The craziest thing is, every side of her personality seems legit. The promo reel for her school has shots of her actually teaching katana and other ninjutsu disciplines. She's very clearly highly into the mysticism aspect of it all and has merged a really detailed study of ninjutsu with her own Wiccan religious beliefs. And her Twitter feed makes it clear that, um, her other aspirations are actively being pursued as well.
Anshu Christa Jacobsen is apparently:
1) An accredited and belted ninjutsu headmistress with her own dojo
2) An unashamed and practicing nude/softporn model, geisha and paid escort
3) An unashamed and practicing witch
http://www.anshuchristajacobson.com (WARNING: Rather very NSFW)
The craziest thing is, every side of her personality seems legit. The promo reel for her school has shots of her actually teaching katana and other ninjutsu disciplines. She's very clearly highly into the mysticism aspect of it all and has merged a really detailed study of ninjutsu with her own Wiccan religious beliefs. And her Twitter feed makes it clear that, um, her other aspirations are actively being pursued as well.
Last edited by Replay on Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.