Strategy games are probably my favorite type of game, and I'm always interested in hypothetical discussions for war. One thing I noticed is that, probably because there hasn't been a serious war anywhere in the world for a while, there seems to be this assumption that stronger economy ensures victory in war. For example if you look up World War 2 discussion, most nonhistorians believe that US would've won the war against Japan no matter how badly their fleet was wiped out in a hypothetical scenario (say, Japan won Battle of Midway with the complete annihilation of the US defending fleet) because US has a much bigger industrial base. Even ROTK manga talks about how Wei has an overwhelmingly economic advantage (this is true) so there's no way Shu or Wu could've possibly won no matter what happened on the battlefield. Never mind that Cao Cao considered moving the capital after Guan Yu won decisively near Xiang Yang and it took a fracture of the Shu/Wu alliance to stop the advancement. I think people literally think if you got 10 times the GDP all you do is click 'buy troops' and stuff instantly comes out, so even if your military commander just got all your army wiped out in a battle, you just queue up more troops and they'll definitely be ready before the invading army arrives. Of course Mongols never had much of an economy but that didn't stop them from making a great empire. China is consistently the world's greatest economic power in all but the last 2 centuries historically but certainly have lost to warlike neighbors with much smaller economy. If your army was decisively wiped out, it takes time before you can replace the people or the equipment, and even longer the expertise. Losing decisively could easily make your people no longer support the war. Right now North Korea and Russia are viewed as possible threats to the western world. NK has pretty much no economy to speak of but even without nuclear weapons, they'll likely inflict grievous harm to South Korea. Russia has less GDP than Germany alone but current estimate is that it'd be difficult to stop Russia from some kind of land grab operation because of their superior army.
Yes, if the western world declared war on Russia right now then in ten years there's no way the Russian army would stand a chance, except they wouldn't just wait for ten years while the western world gets its army production ramped up. I'd call this kind of thinking video-game-like, but I think most decent strategy games does simulate the fact that if you stupidly lost most of your forces you'd be pretty screwed even if you have more, even far more, total production capacity. Do people just not even understand that the side that won the battle generally gets to take everything from the loser's territory, so that even if the aggressor has a weak economy, they can just take the loser's stuff? No it wouldn't be as good as having your own equivalent economy but looting/pillaging is still better than nothing and definitely destroys the economy of the vanquished.
Yes, if the western world declared war on Russia right now then in ten years there's no way the Russian army would stand a chance, except they wouldn't just wait for ten years while the western world gets its army production ramped up. I'd call this kind of thinking video-game-like, but I think most decent strategy games does simulate the fact that if you stupidly lost most of your forces you'd be pretty screwed even if you have more, even far more, total production capacity. Do people just not even understand that the side that won the battle generally gets to take everything from the loser's territory, so that even if the aggressor has a weak economy, they can just take the loser's stuff? No it wouldn't be as good as having your own equivalent economy but looting/pillaging is still better than nothing and definitely destroys the economy of the vanquished.