No more pithy comments? Remember what I told you all when I first came back? I'm not here to make friends or kiss asses.
I'm here to keep an eye on this community - which gave me the finger when I asked you to stop using homophobic slurs, gave me the finger when I asked you to stop using the site as a torrent linksite/aggregator to commit piracy, and had a bad habit of slandering me behind my back while I was gone. Don't complain about beds you have made, people; and I won't either. You can call me whatever you want - believe whatever you want, fall into the usual traps of thinking anyone who criticizes Israel is "anti-Semitic", or that anyone who points out your hypocrisies in laughing over "The Interview" while the US military has tortured 100 people or more to death in the last decade is "anti-American" - but at least you're doing it to my face now.
Once more I'm going to repeat to you - this entire thing was staged for your benefit; and more to the point, for Netanyahu's.
Did you notice the "all French Jews should return to Israel" nonsense that came out of Bibi's mouth after the attacks? That was the real thrust of this operation. Israel is a nation of eight million people surrounded by one billion Arabs furious over the way the Israelis treat them. It lives every day in existential dread and its birthrates are barely enough to replace existing population. It is trying to encourage aliyah to the region to bolster its population; and it doesn't care whether the means used to produce aliyah are fair or foul. This is a game for Bibi; it makes Muslims look bad at the United Nations, gives Israel a stick to frighten French Jews with, and say "Look! Look at the evil Muslims! You'll be safer in Israel!" - but none of it is real. This is not the first time Israel has targeted Jews with false flag attacks, either. It happened in the British mandate of Palestine as well, and in surrounding nations during the first years after Israel was created at the United Nations - for example, in 1950, when they recruited Naeim Giladi, an Iraqi Jew, to bomb the U.S. facilities in Iraq, to encourage Iraqi Jews to migrate to Israel. It worked so well that 125,000 Jews in Iraq migrated to Israel, leaving only 6,000 remaining.
Veterans Today has a fine article about this sordid history right now. Read it or don't; but if you don't do the research, don't call me a crackpot, an anti-Semite, or a hater of my own country. Look up Einstein's notes on condemnation without investigation. (He as an American Jew condemned military Zionism too, by the way.) ... llow-jews/
I'm here to keep an eye on this community - which gave me the finger when I asked you to stop using homophobic slurs, gave me the finger when I asked you to stop using the site as a torrent linksite/aggregator to commit piracy, and had a bad habit of slandering me behind my back while I was gone. Don't complain about beds you have made, people; and I won't either. You can call me whatever you want - believe whatever you want, fall into the usual traps of thinking anyone who criticizes Israel is "anti-Semitic", or that anyone who points out your hypocrisies in laughing over "The Interview" while the US military has tortured 100 people or more to death in the last decade is "anti-American" - but at least you're doing it to my face now.
Once more I'm going to repeat to you - this entire thing was staged for your benefit; and more to the point, for Netanyahu's.
Did you notice the "all French Jews should return to Israel" nonsense that came out of Bibi's mouth after the attacks? That was the real thrust of this operation. Israel is a nation of eight million people surrounded by one billion Arabs furious over the way the Israelis treat them. It lives every day in existential dread and its birthrates are barely enough to replace existing population. It is trying to encourage aliyah to the region to bolster its population; and it doesn't care whether the means used to produce aliyah are fair or foul. This is a game for Bibi; it makes Muslims look bad at the United Nations, gives Israel a stick to frighten French Jews with, and say "Look! Look at the evil Muslims! You'll be safer in Israel!" - but none of it is real. This is not the first time Israel has targeted Jews with false flag attacks, either. It happened in the British mandate of Palestine as well, and in surrounding nations during the first years after Israel was created at the United Nations - for example, in 1950, when they recruited Naeim Giladi, an Iraqi Jew, to bomb the U.S. facilities in Iraq, to encourage Iraqi Jews to migrate to Israel. It worked so well that 125,000 Jews in Iraq migrated to Israel, leaving only 6,000 remaining.
Veterans Today has a fine article about this sordid history right now. Read it or don't; but if you don't do the research, don't call me a crackpot, an anti-Semite, or a hater of my own country. Look up Einstein's notes on condemnation without investigation. (He as an American Jew condemned military Zionism too, by the way.) ... llow-jews/
“I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong." --Frederick Douglass