Anyone see this?
There are shades beyond shades of crazy levels of shit going on here. Cryer dishes manifestly on Sheen's descent into self-destruction. Shades of Truman Capote, Hollywood-style. You know this is fairly salacious gossip, put in a bestselling memoir - and yet it is delivered so non-judgmentally and with such a wounded air, about the million manifest injustices of watching Charlie get paid more than anyone else on TV to implode and fizz into a million dangerously HIV-positive pieces, that it comes off more as a well-intentioned warning about the dangers of self-destruction than anything. And the quotes are unreal.
There are shades beyond shades of crazy levels of shit going on here. Cryer dishes manifestly on Sheen's descent into self-destruction. Shades of Truman Capote, Hollywood-style. You know this is fairly salacious gossip, put in a bestselling memoir - and yet it is delivered so non-judgmentally and with such a wounded air, about the million manifest injustices of watching Charlie get paid more than anyone else on TV to implode and fizz into a million dangerously HIV-positive pieces, that it comes off more as a well-intentioned warning about the dangers of self-destruction than anything. And the quotes are unreal. ... ane-782410I began to imagine scenarios in which I [had] enthusiastically agree[d] to go to Mary Poppins with [Charlie, the night he was arrested for assault]. Then afterward, when he says, "Thought I'd head back to the room with a prostitute, get really f—ing high, decimate the place, then toss her in the closet," I say, "No, I don't think you should do that." Then he says, "You're right. Let's get ice cream." Then everything is better.