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I actually came across this researching ninjutsu philosophy, of all things.
Anshu Christa Jacobsen is apparently:
1) An accredited and belted ninjutsu headmistress with her own dojo
2) An unashamed and practicing nude/softporn model, geisha and paid escort
3) An unashamed and practicing witch
The craziest thing is, every side of her personality seems legit. The promo reel for her school has shots of her actually teaching katana and other ninjutsu disciplines. She's very clearly highly into the mysticism aspect of it all and has merged a really detailed study of ninjutsu with her own Wiccan religious beliefs. And her Twitter feed makes it clear that, um, her other aspirations are actively being pursued as well.
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:50 pm
by kali o.
uhhh..."she"? "Woman"?
That's no woman...
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:20 pm
by Replay
I noticed as well that it's a possibility. She has a masculine-seeming face, and seems exceptionally tall, broad, and strong for a female.
On the other hand, I can't see an Adam's apple in any of her pics, nor any implant scars around her chest.
So I'd say the jury's out on that. There are sometimes women out there who actually are women and yet are tall, strong, broad, and have a masculine-looking face due purely to genetics. Brooke Hogan comes to mind.
I saved you from your own crying game moment. You are welcome.
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:28 am
by Replay
Right right, because 1) I hadn't started noticing even before you said anything, and 2) I would totally have dropped everything to fly halfway across the country to meet a random ninja master from the Internet.
I must admit that you have me 100% beat at instant identification of transsexuals however. Lots of practice?
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:49 am
by kali o.
Replay wrote:I must admit that you have me 100% beat at instant identification of transsexuals however. Lots of practice?
I've been to Thailand and avoided the cock.
And if you say so...but I mean, you posted a thread to this random escort...not sure my assumptions are a stretch Just say thanks and move on...or hell, take the plunge, it's the 21st century.
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:02 am
by Shrinweck
Best thread 2016
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:45 am
by Eric
Replay wrote:I must admit that you have me 100% beat at instant identification of transsexuals however. Lots of practice?
I noticed immediately! Growing up in New Orleans!
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:31 pm
by kali o.
Eric wrote:
Replay wrote:I must admit that you have me 100% beat at instant identification of transsexuals however. Lots of practice?
I noticed immediately! Growing up in New Orleans!
Yeah, I'm always happy to pat my back (or yours) for *any* special skill...but wow, this isn't even a tricky trans situation. I mean, I could be 8 beers in and spot this fake a block away...
I guess that makes it more funny...I don't judge mental though. If he is trans curious and digs that look, plenty of them around, pre or post op. Give it a go and let us know how it was.
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:33 am
by Replay
Despite growing up in Los Angeles around plenty of transsexual people, I quite admit and it should be apparent that I am absolute shit at identifying them. No practice or interest at all, you see.
You two have me beat by miles. In particular Kali, you deserve the crown!
If you prefer a different kind of branch you just let us all know.
Re: The Most Interesting Woman In The World?
PostPosted:Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:14 am
by Replay
kali o. wrote:
Replay wrote:I've been to Thailand and avoided the cock.
And if you say so...but I mean, you posted a thread to this random escort...not sure my assumptions are a stretch Just say thanks and move on...or hell, take the plunge, it's the 21st century.
I came across the page searching on "shinobi-iri", actually - one of the eighteen disciplines of ninjutsu. Jacobsen's dojo happens to be the top result. You're free to verify that yourself, if you like. Do you think that if I were actually searching for random escort services I'd be looking for them in Kansas City, or magically happen to pull the one transsexual courtesan on the entire Internet who also happens to be a ninja school headmistress?
I will absolutely cop to being lousy at identifying trans people in the absence of an obvious baritone or Adam's apple though. I don't spend nearly enough time trying to get laid in random bars to conform to the North American standard...or take enough prostitution junkets to Thailand, either, apparently.
You'd think with all your money and power you wouldn't have to fly across the world to the underage-prostitution capital of Earth to get laid, Kal, but you do you...or pay Thai girls to do you for you. Like I said, it's all about you.