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The Difference between Whisky and Whiskey

PostPosted:Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:03 am
by Julius Seeker
I was a latecomer to whisky myself, first being invited to a Scotch party after I got engaged, I was in my late 20s at the time. I've been to many since, essentially, it's a sampling of various types of Scotch, especially pricier and rarer bottles that you'd never be foolish enough to buy to drink on your own, but really want to try!

So I had whisky/whiskey on the mind, so here's a trivia post for some Daily Stuph content:

Generally speaking, they're about the same thing. But for people who are avid drinkers, there is a difference.

While Whisky is huge in Asia, Westward it has a longer history and a bit more establishment. The general big five sellers are:
1. Johnnie Walker Blended Scotch
2. Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey
3. Crown Royal Rye Whisky
4. Fireball (Rye + disgusting)
5. Jameson
Honourable Mention: Jim Beam

While Crown Royale and Fireball are quite popular worldwide, in Canada the top selling whisky is Wisers. In fact, many of us do not understand why whisky connoisseur from the UK love Crown Royal so much - it's generally considered mixer-quality here in Canada. I guess it's kind of like the Stella Artois thing where that is considered bottom end in the UK and France (nicknamed wifebeater), but through much of North America, it's served as one of the pricier premium beers (despite tasting like Molson light). Fireball is what you get as a joke gift for Secret Santa at Christmas, it's generally considered a drink for young women in Canada; but that's generally not the case in other countries, from what I understand.
In Canada, at least, Johnnie Walker Black Label is the most popular brand of Scotch, followed by Glenfiddich - though, from what I understand in the UK, it's the Famous Grouse (which in my opinion is best called the Famous Gross), although the biggest whisky drinker I know from the UK is a devout Bowmore fan.

My personal favourite Bourbon is Maker's (it's basically half the Bourbon shelf at the liquor store where I live), my favourite Rye is Alberta Premium (I like both classic and Dark Horse), and my favourite Scotch is Talisker 10.

Now onto the topic!

When talking about whiskey it's your Irish whiskey, Tennessee whiskey, and Bourbon:

Image Image Image

When talking about whisky, the two primary whiskies are Rye and Scotch, Rye is often labelled as Canadian Whisky:

Do you drink whiskey or whisky? If so, which kind is your favourite, which kind is your go-to?

Also, how in hell do you get BB Code images on the same line? Sorry, I'm far too lazy to do image editing to get line-ups of whisky =)