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Youtube banning ad blockers
PostPosted:Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:42 pm
by Don
I noticed now you get this message that says you got to turn your ad block off when in Youtube or there will be consequences. Any thoughts? I can turn it off but didn't seem like it's worth the effort so I can probably just stop using Youtube, or maybe other people who care more about this can complain and get it fixed first!
Re: Youtube banning ad blockers
PostPosted:Wed Oct 18, 2023 5:57 pm
by Julius Seeker
I haven’t been having an issue. If you’ve tried standard troubleshooting, like clearing your cache, then I’m not sure. Might be good to try a different blocker or browser - I typically use Safari on Mac and mobile, and Opera on Windows.
Re: Youtube banning ad blockers
PostPosted:Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:33 pm
by Eric
Drop Chrome. Google owns Chrome and Youtube so of course they're gonna break the functionality. I also think the standard adblock greenlists some websites so it's kinda fallen off.
Firefox + uBlock Origin has been a simple winning combo so far. Might have to include No Script at one point.