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Curse you Scientology! Curse you!

PostPosted:Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:04 pm
by Eric

PostPosted:Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:13 pm
by Blotus
It was worth it for that episode... if for nothing else than John Travolta's "Oh mah gahd!"s. Right up there with "Yeah... 'looks like'" for me.

PostPosted:Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:15 pm
by Julius Seeker
I have to see that episode. Tom Cruise always whines: "Waaah! waaah! I am NOT a flaming homosexual!!!!" "waaah! waaah! Stop making fun of the scam....e rrr, RELIGION that I belong to! HAIL XENU!!!!"

I haven't seen the episode myself, but I hope they brought back the "dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb" song.

PostPosted:Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:28 pm
by Kupek
I really want to see that episode. Maybe it's on youtube.

I love the part in the segment where they show all of the celeberties that are Scientologists. <i>These people are not famous because they're smart</i>. They're famous because they're extremely attractive and some have talent in performing. They must figure, "I'm really fucking famous. That must mean I'm smart!" I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but man...

PostPosted:Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:27 pm
by Ishamael
I was wondering if there was gonna be any fallout from the ep, as I'd heard Chef was a thetan-slayer. I wonder if they're gonna write his character out of the show.

PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:00 am
by Eric
The fate of the Chef character was revealed in the Season 10 premiere, in which voice clips taken from previous episodes were linked together to form new dialogue to support the plot of The Return of Chef. In the episode, Chef is brainwashed into becoming a child molester by the "Super Adventure Club", an organization which combines outdoors activities with bizarre religious beliefs (some of which seem akin to those held by the real-life Church of Scientology). At the end of the episode, Chef is burned, battered, impaled, shot, and torn apart by a grizzly bear and a mountain lion. As the town holds a moving memorial service for him, Chef's body is secretly recovered by the Super Adventure Club, who manage to revive him as a "Darth" Chef, mimicking the ending to Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.