1) Well, why don't we finally go down the expected "run or turn yourself in" storyline since we're getting close to finishing. People are waiting for it anyways, can't disappoint them
2) Well, if we do that, what about Jesse? He's becoming vital to the drug regime. So why not create another expected rift between him and Walt. We've spent the entire season leading up to it anyways, it's not like we can just let it go now
3) But we need to find a way to keep Walt around, otherwise we have no more crises for him once we move Jesse into the role as the drug maker. And we can't get rid of Walt or marginalize his character for even a few episodes (heaven forbid), he IS the show, especially now that Cranston is the boss
4) Let's go with running, turning himself in would be lame and almost expected and we never do anything like that....
5) Well, we already laid down the fact that the only good character in the show we haven't fucked up, Saul Goodman, has a way for him to disappear; so why don't we do that?
6) It's been MANY months since the rift between Walt and Gus, he's got tons of money to pay off whomever to make him and his family disappear. They have, after all, been laundering the money through the car wash this entire time too. Thank the lord we set that up otherwise we'd be completely up shit creek with no paddle
7) OK, good, we put Jesse into a good position with Gus. Phew, thank the lord we threw that twist at the viewers! No WAY they saw that comin'!
OK, now we get Walt and the fam running.....hold on, if he has tons of money, he can disappear...then what? All is hunky dory? Does the cartel hunt him down?...nah, that would be silly, we don't wanna do anything like that....
9) Dammit, we're stuck....umm, let's go back and see if we can bring anything back to cause a crisis...
10) Hey, remember Bernake? We had to bring him in to do something with Skylar when she was the #2 character in the show for the 2nd and 3rd seasons. Remember how we took the show from being a cool drug show to a great family drama and won all those Emmys? Well, why not revisit some of that, it worked then, should work now
11) Ummm, well, we mentioned something about Bernake and cooking the books....THAT'S it! Skylar was the accountant and she can't be audited! YES!
12) Well, we still need to take the money away to cause a crisis for Walt....THAT'S it! We'll find a way for the money to get sent to the IRS! $600k should be enough. Walt's $15M contract over 6 months to 1 year less $600k and the laundering through the car wash, the brother-in-law's therapy (use the recovery process to assist with the timeline) and some misc.....math works. We kill two plot line birds with one stone that way! *Homer* We are so smart! We are so smart! S-M-R-T!
13) Fuck, what do we do with Bernake now? He's pretty much dead as a character...that's it! We'll kill him! This is a show with lots of deaths after all. But....how? Well, why not just make him trip and fall head-first into a desk and die. Ain't no thang and it's completely unexpected, which is what we do