Just out of principle, tickets prices should be required by law to be advertised with the fees included.
When i see a concert for $15 a ticket, get 2, and end up paying $48.. it always puts me in a rage! In spite the fact that I expect it. The venue's main website should call those $24 tickets, not $15, because the raping afterwards is always there.
/rant, go fuck yourself Ticketfly. Its the only industry that charges a 60% (in this instance) 'fee' markup.
When i see a concert for $15 a ticket, get 2, and end up paying $48.. it always puts me in a rage! In spite the fact that I expect it. The venue's main website should call those $24 tickets, not $15, because the raping afterwards is always there.
/rant, go fuck yourself Ticketfly. Its the only industry that charges a 60% (in this instance) 'fee' markup.