Goddammit, Zeus. You fell for it. You, of all people!
See, marketing is no longer just about advertising a product. It's about finding connection points that indirectly relate to that product, and then creating some sort of viral buzz about it. Then your brain subconsciously links something that entertains you with the main product, increasing both the likelihood that you'll think about the main product and the initial receptivity of that product.
It's insidious. It makes me hate marketing people even more. Just take some examples here, like Carrie:
* Some stupid viral video about "What if you met an actual telekinetic person", complete with cheesy effects and a full cast of actors.
Articles like this. "Hey, if I pay you $1000, will you make an article about the History of Blood in Films? Be sure to put Carrie as the main picture."
* Throwing in references to the movie in unrelated shows. Like two episodes out of every season of Mythbusters nowadays to take an extreme example, but simple gags from Daily Show or The Soup could just be product placement.
The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad did it a lot, too. Hell, both of them have a Mythbusters episode.