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Xmen Apocalypse

PostPosted:Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:35 am
by Julius Seeker
This is by far the easiest story for them to fuck up; Apocalypse is a ridiculously over-the-top comical character. It looks like they will probably do a decent job with it though. The trailer doesn't say to much except the basic version of the set-up, and that Apocalypse is far more powerful than any other mutant; and cg explosions.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

PostPosted:Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:44 am
by kali o.
I am decidedly....meh.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

PostPosted:Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:38 am
by Julius Seeker
The last trailer before launch. More lines and explosions! Slow motion too!
I've noticed whenever a female character lands in comic book movies, they cut to slow motion. They did that shit-ton in Batman Vs. Superman. It's really cheesy.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I don't think I'll like this one as much as the previous two, despite the fact that I love the Apocalypse character, I think he belongs in a cartoon.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

PostPosted:Sun May 01, 2016 12:56 am
by Zeus
kali o. wrote:I am decidedly....meh.
Did you like Days of Future Past?

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

PostPosted:Fri May 27, 2016 6:24 pm
by Julius Seeker
All in all it blew my expectations away... Which were shaped by critical reviews largely.

I liked it around as much the Days of Future Past, and more than the last Starwars movie. Not as much as First Class though; I think Matthew Vaugn is a better overall director than Singer, even though I do like Singer a lot as a visionary.

It's not without its issues, for example: Magneto had a lot less to do with this movie than the past few, but still played a very major role. They introduced a lot of new characters as well, and they all had their little stories. The ending was a little formulaic - good guys about to lose then boom! They win. But every single super hero movie does that.

The new actress that plays Jean sounds very similar to her cartoon version.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

PostPosted:Fri May 27, 2016 10:48 pm
by Shrinweck
I'm hearing mixed things about this. I think (other than CLEARLY good ones) superhero movies are largely shaped by how high/low your expectations are going in. That said, when I see this they'll be low so part of me is expecting decent things.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse,

PostPosted:Sat May 28, 2016 9:47 am
by Julius Seeker
I find it's often the other way around, people shape their opinions of movies based on what critics think. Many people don't have the capability to give their own assessment on things.

But as far as Super Hero movies go, they all have virtually the same story, so it makes them predictable:

1. Villain introduced.
2. Hero successfully defeats some villains to show off abilities.
3. Villain starts working towards their goal.
4. Hero starts working towards theirs.
5. Hero seems to be largely successful in his/her/their efforts.
6. Villain does something devastating, and it now looks like everyone is doomed.
7. Hero finds some sort of way to defeat the villain, and it works!

If the movie is part of a series arc, #6 and 7 might be flipped around, where it looks like the hero is about to defeat the villain, and then the villain pulls out the stops and comes off with the victory. Usually the consequences aren't as bad for the side of good, because the evil plot is still shut down to a certain extent.

Every super hero movie I have ever seen fits this formula.

On the topic of Apocalypse
Spoiler: show
It was disappointing to see him so completely destroyed after just one film; without doing some of the really interesting storylines he was in, I was hoping he'd be more recurring like Magneto and Stryker. On the other hand, seeing him destroyed by the Phoenix was a great treat; it was a battle I've wanted to see since I was a kid.

Also, it looks like Sinister is going to be in the next Xmen movie.