How I lost the will to bash Star Wars :)
PostPosted:Mon Jan 24, 2022 3:59 pm
Long story short: There's no point in bashing Star Wars when its own fanbase hates it MUCH more than I could ever muster the energy for
These guys are seething with hatred, snobbery, bias, and extreme counts of "our opinion is FACT"ism.
Also, I actually like a few of the Star Wars films.
It began around Rogue One, when I realized "Wait, I actually dig this one!"
Second, I watched Star Wars 1977 (A New Hope), and thought "I kind of dig this one, too!" - basically, the menace of the Death Star and actually feeling the sacrifice and depth of the rebellion really gave the weight needed for me to like A New Hope.
I'll also slip in that I worked on a doomed Star Wars game for a few months around that time, and got really into the lore as I was doing a lot of research and content design stuff... before, Star Wars: TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter vs X-Wing, and Shadows of the Empire were really the only thing I knew of the Star Wars universe outside the original three films.
But The Last Jedi, the one so many people hated, I enjoyed that one too. I loved the twist, I loved the action, the beautiful shots, and the tight pacing. I don't get why so many Star Wars fans dislike that one, and they can't even properly rationalize it, the most that I can find are a list of nitpicks which that they put WAY too much weight behind. The thing about nitpicking a film is you can nitpick list EVERY film - and most of their nitpicking was loaded with "this is just bad" without any justification as to why it was bad--there's even complaints about pacing when The Last Jedi is actually one of the most to the book paced films you can watch. Hate-band wagons are nothing new, look at Titanic and Avatar... Why Star Wars fans are so susceptible to jumping on these band wagons nowadays compared to other fans, I don't know. If you think the Star Trek fanbase has too much negative/hate bandwagoning, it's got nothing on Star Wars fandom.
Anyway, I recently watched Solo all the way through for the first time, and liked that one too. I was buzzed! But I'm thinking a sober run would be about the same.
I'll leave The Rise of Batman vs Super Wars off this discussion =D
That's at least 4 Star Wars films I like more now which is one more than the hardcore Star Wars fans, like that ewok who calls himself Red Letter Media.
I've heard of toxic fanbases. Essentially, fanbases that gatekeep people from being fans unless they hate certain elements or parts of the series. I thought extraordinary toxicity was limited to Game of Thrones fandom - which surprises absolutely no one
But a little while before Game of Thrones went toxic, Star Wars did, and I've never seen anything so horrific. . Someone got 400+ upvotes on a comment telling me to go kill myself for saying positive stuff about The Last Jedi, and nothing negative about any of the other Star Wars films. Lots of comments about how The Last Jedi raped their childhood... and I'm pretty sure these are people like half my age.
I've never seen a self-loathing fan base as bad as this one. By my count, I like more Star Wars films than actual Star Wars fans.
They're the fanbase equivalent to Jonestown. Drinking the toxic kool-aid. So, even if I do dislike a Star Wars film, there's no way to have enough energy to bash it when Star Wars fans already dedicate entire youtube channels to bashing their worst enemy: Star Wars. I'd end up defending the film by saying "Well, it's not that bad, and you're being melodramatic with your 26 paragraphs of ALL CAPS shouting about how much some one's film hurt you."
It's a bit different when everyone loves a film (in my case, the Star Wars films) and you don't really like it.
Although, I wouldn't yell it out in the middle of public like that, but I'm not from New York
These guys are seething with hatred, snobbery, bias, and extreme counts of "our opinion is FACT"ism.
Also, I actually like a few of the Star Wars films.
It began around Rogue One, when I realized "Wait, I actually dig this one!"
Second, I watched Star Wars 1977 (A New Hope), and thought "I kind of dig this one, too!" - basically, the menace of the Death Star and actually feeling the sacrifice and depth of the rebellion really gave the weight needed for me to like A New Hope.
I'll also slip in that I worked on a doomed Star Wars game for a few months around that time, and got really into the lore as I was doing a lot of research and content design stuff... before, Star Wars: TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter vs X-Wing, and Shadows of the Empire were really the only thing I knew of the Star Wars universe outside the original three films.
But The Last Jedi, the one so many people hated, I enjoyed that one too. I loved the twist, I loved the action, the beautiful shots, and the tight pacing. I don't get why so many Star Wars fans dislike that one, and they can't even properly rationalize it, the most that I can find are a list of nitpicks which that they put WAY too much weight behind. The thing about nitpicking a film is you can nitpick list EVERY film - and most of their nitpicking was loaded with "this is just bad" without any justification as to why it was bad--there's even complaints about pacing when The Last Jedi is actually one of the most to the book paced films you can watch. Hate-band wagons are nothing new, look at Titanic and Avatar... Why Star Wars fans are so susceptible to jumping on these band wagons nowadays compared to other fans, I don't know. If you think the Star Trek fanbase has too much negative/hate bandwagoning, it's got nothing on Star Wars fandom.
Anyway, I recently watched Solo all the way through for the first time, and liked that one too. I was buzzed! But I'm thinking a sober run would be about the same.
I'll leave The Rise of Batman vs Super Wars off this discussion =D
That's at least 4 Star Wars films I like more now which is one more than the hardcore Star Wars fans, like that ewok who calls himself Red Letter Media.
I've heard of toxic fanbases. Essentially, fanbases that gatekeep people from being fans unless they hate certain elements or parts of the series. I thought extraordinary toxicity was limited to Game of Thrones fandom - which surprises absolutely no one
But a little while before Game of Thrones went toxic, Star Wars did, and I've never seen anything so horrific. . Someone got 400+ upvotes on a comment telling me to go kill myself for saying positive stuff about The Last Jedi, and nothing negative about any of the other Star Wars films. Lots of comments about how The Last Jedi raped their childhood... and I'm pretty sure these are people like half my age.
I've never seen a self-loathing fan base as bad as this one. By my count, I like more Star Wars films than actual Star Wars fans.
They're the fanbase equivalent to Jonestown. Drinking the toxic kool-aid. So, even if I do dislike a Star Wars film, there's no way to have enough energy to bash it when Star Wars fans already dedicate entire youtube channels to bashing their worst enemy: Star Wars. I'd end up defending the film by saying "Well, it's not that bad, and you're being melodramatic with your 26 paragraphs of ALL CAPS shouting about how much some one's film hurt you."
It's a bit different when everyone loves a film (in my case, the Star Wars films) and you don't really like it.
Although, I wouldn't yell it out in the middle of public like that, but I'm not from New York