<div style='font: 14pt "Sans Serif"; text-align: justify; padding: 0% 15% 0% 15%; '>Sad and glad. Sad because I'm thinking of the show X-Files <i>used</i> to be and wish for those days. Glad because they need to finally end this show and give the fans some payoff for all the loose storylines that have been developed (and forgotten) over the years.
This season with Dogget is pretty good IMO. T-1000 plays his part really good. And that Reyes character is cool (as well as hot). BUT...the damn show needs to end. It's time.</div>
This season with Dogget is pretty good IMO. T-1000 plays his part really good. And that Reyes character is cool (as well as hot). BUT...the damn show needs to end. It's time.</div>