<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>I really liked the original Blade, but something about this sequel just looks way too overdone. Then again, I still don't know too much about it. But when I see a shot of Blade stepping out of a building with what appears to be an <i>entourage</i> of some kind, all carrying weapons, walking behind him, my crap-o-meter starts going off. Blade works alone unless he sees no real choice in the matter.
But hell, my fascination with vampire movies is enough to make me shell out matinee price, at least.
Resident Evil, on the other hand...Jesus. I've seen that trailer three times and it looks worse every time I watch it. Where the fuck are the zombies? Oh, sure, you show a zombie dog (which, if you've seen the trailer, gets a mighty <i>ninja-kick</i> in the head from the main character), and they sure showed enough lickers in there, but the regular, every-day zombies? I saw two shots. And they were way, way brief. Which makes me wonder if they're going to try to <i>play down</i> that portion of the movie. If so, shame.
And the Red Queen? "You're all going to die down here." Nice British accent. Bitch.
--Lee S.</div>
<hr><p><p><center><a href="http://lee-starnes.diaryland.com"><img src="http://www.spoonyinc.com/tows-sigs/a-groupcpr.jpg" border=0 alt="Click For Lee's Stinking Life Story"></a><br><p><p><br><br>I can't access this site with Internet Explorer anymore. God damn fuck shit damn.