Herp Derp, didn't answer my own thread.
Are there any games that you wish could get a sequel, that haven't, or won't ever due to the studio closing down, or the franchise not being popular enough?
Kinda bending the rules here, but Kali started it with Wizardry ;p Also you stole Dragon Force, one of the games that got me excited about the Saturn. Also just thinking about it, I've got RPGs on the brain.
RTS Warcraft, due to WoW I doubt you ever see a proper WCIV unless WoW actually dies one day and they need to reboot the lore for a new MMO.
2D Metroid, probably never again, especially after Other-M
Final Fantasy Tactics, a proper sequel, not those BS Gameboy games we got about 5 year old school children reading a novel, I want politics, religion, gods, dark twists, and characters I will remember and give a damn about, but alas, this franchise seems dead, and with Square shifting focus to mobile phones I doubt we get much outside of the main branch FF for a while.
Phantasy Star IV, once considered the Final Fantasy rival, PS5 will probably never happen, just the MMOs and spin-offs such we've been getting.
Skies of Arcadia 2, we'll never see this, which is a goddamn shame.
Guardian Heroes, loved this game almost impulse bought a Saturn because of it.
Chrono Trigger, not much needs to be said here.
Terranigma, I don't know what happened to the Actraiser/Illusion of Gaia/Terranigma group, but I loved these games.
Alundra, again, proper sequel, not the hot garbage that was Alundra 2. x_x
Secret of Mana, dead and burried, became too convoluted and lost it's soul
Lufia, ruined by remakes and soulless sequels.
Shining Force, I have entirely too many RPGs on this list already.
Valkyrie Profile, dead right?
Are there any games that got sequels that disappointed you to death after you waited a long time for it?(3-5+ years)
Megaman 9/10, fuck you Capcom.
Final Fantasy XIII, disappointing does about sum it up, I took particular issue with the fact that they basically slapped a UI(fight, magic, etc) onto a scene in a trailer which they originally said was gameplay(turned out to be a cut-scene).
Diablo 3, ruined by the Auction House, Insanity difficulty was stupid and the combination of requiring a gear grind + the real $$$ AH, and AH in general was meh. >_<
And are there any games that got sequels that took a ridiculously long time but you found extremely satisfying?(again 3-5+ years)
Metal Gear Solid?
Is this cheating lol.
Street Fighter IV, almost 10 years, and it's an instant classic and revitalized the fighting game scene.
Marvel vs Capcom 3, more then 10 years god bless you Capcom, and Ultimate, I don't care, I love this game and still play it, most addicting fighting game I've played.
Deus Ex: HR, again I thought this franchise was dead, but this game I felt did the brand justice, I was happy to play it, and was hoping it was the blueprint for more things to come, and improvements to a modern Deus Ex, sadly it looks like it's gonna be on a phone, and who knows where else after that. >.>
Starcraft 2, met and exceeded my expectations.