F2P games like DOTA and LoL can be monetized without constant incentives to give them money. They provide 100% access and you aren't constantly stumbling upon locked chests that require $1 keys to open and shit. DOTA heroes are all free and you pay for custom shit. LoL gives free champions that change on a weekly basis which works to give people a chance to try new champions without potentially overwhelming them.
The problem with F2P games tends to be MMOs and the like where every turn the devs have given you an incentive to give them money. Development isn't entirely focused in this case on new content and it's hard not to see every small thing they do as an excuse to ask you to give them more money. The only F2P MMO I've ever played that was monetized well and didn't feel like they were nickel and diming me is DC Universe Online. Unfortunately, it just isn't that great of a game.
DLC isn't a big deal. I like the idea of giving them another $10 for getting to load up the game a couple months later as opposed to having to wait 9+ months like the old days and buying some $35+ expansion. Zero day DLC is pretty money grubbing but there's only like 1-2 games a year that I'd consider good enough to ever pay attention to zero day DLC.
Also part of this article is horrible from a journalistic point of view - you want a gamer reaction? Twitter quotes from unknown people is as stupid as pulling from comment sections. Social media as a tool for getting quotes is so god damned lazy. You might as well bring up the points they brought up yourself.
Even if you ignore real money functions, they intrude into your mind and can ruin immersion.
That's right on the money though about stuff like Diabalo 3's RMAH.