Wouldn't it be great if Squeenix bought them? They're in desperate need of help with their first-party games being shitty for two generations now and they've proven they're gonna leave their purchased companies alone like Eidos, who saved their bacon financially last year. They don't really compete directly even though they both specialize in RPGs as Atlus does smaller games and Squeenix mostly big budget and there's no real direct competition from Squeenix with the Shin Megami series. I think it would be complimentary to Squeenix on a business level, actually
That being said, Sega isn't a bad choice either. They wouldn't really mess with Atlus too much I don't think. Then again, we really need to find out why Atlus is being sold. Is it just the parent company is in trouble and needs to sell off a profitable asset to make ends meet or is Atlus itself not really solvent as an independant entity? I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't buy nearly as many Atlus games if they didn't have all the extras that came with their games. Same with NIS America, their busineses are built on doing the extra little things for the hardcores on top of releasing quality titles. If they ain't able to sustain that, we may see a drop in the extras which, IMO, would severly hurt the company. But Sammy-Sega ain't gonna let them just do it unless they're profitable.
As for anyone else? I think Capcom would be a good choice, they have nothing that competes with Atlus. Just not sure of what changes, if any, they'd try to make. I'd be a little more comfortable if they were still run by Inafune. Konami is very hands-off on a corporate level with Kojima overseeing all of their development which is now a smaller portion of their business. They may be an ideal purchaser, actually, and would be least likely to mess with them. Activision, EA, and Ubisoft wouldn't work, they don't understand that kind of a business. Microshaft would be a disaster for Atlus (look how they marginalized Rare) and Sony MAY do OK with them but they don't really understand that kind of business model (smaller, niche publishing) and may try to "realize synergies" with Atlus, which would just be horrible. Nintendo wouldn't buy them.....unless they're trying to bring the Persona series to the Wii U a la Fatal Frame. Don't forget, Atlus is mostly a publisher, not much of a developer outside of the Persona series. Most of the development houses they get their games from are little guys in Japan who don't make games for Nintendo's system.
What if they and NIS America were able to merge? They would corner the niche, oddball, hardcore market that was, for a short time, Working Designs' domain. And they would be able to, I think, be stronger together than separate. More regular and diverse releases (Atlus releases more than just RPGs; NIS is almost exclusive RPGs) and NIS totally gets Atlus' business; they're their only real competition. That would be the most ideal situation IMO
I was there on that fateful day, were you?