The "problem" is that the console digital market place is controlled by Sony & Microsoft(and err Nintendo...if you call that a marketplace), and they have 0 incentive to really trim prices on digital offerings really. I think Microsoft said it was going to experiment with lower digital prices and they put Ryse on sale for $10 cheaper for a week.
EA pulled it's entire catalog post Mass Effect 3 I think from Steam so they specifically could sell all their PC games @ a $60 price point through Origin and lesser known distribution chains that don't have awesome sales(Or do, but are not steam so less people buy from them).
Steam is goddamn perfect for the most part, even ancient PC games from the 90s work, constant sales, it's consumer first-mentality is the reason it owns like 60-70% of the PC market,
Sony/Microsoft really don't have competition in their markets, except with each other, and that war basically begins/ends at who buys which console and which console has the better version of said game, after that they HAVE to buy the game, soooooo who cares how much you price it at really?
I actually don't think digital distribution is something the industry is trying to move forward towards. If they really wanted to push digital, , you'd have every release $5-10 cheaper then retail(Since you're not paying fucking retail anymore, or for a box, disc, etc). The one that would be declaring war on retail would be if they released digital games earlier, but that one will most likely never happen, because retail still provides good marketing/promotion of games for people who buy physical, and retail would most likely revolt.
I don't even care about console gamers in these statistics. If PC games could still be played off DVDs/blurays while not installed and the PCs in this scenario only included smallish hard drives that were overpriced, then I'd only purchase physical copies too. You force Sony and Microsoft to start bundling 2tb hard drives with the cheapest models and maybe things would swing slightly more towards digital copies. Come on, 500gb? Surely they must be joking. It's fucking 2014. I haven't bought a 500gb hard drive in 8+ years.
You're a minority.
Most people don't need terabytes of space unless they're pirating buttloads of crap, you can manage HD space pretty easily by uninstalling/deleting stuff you don't use, especially if you use steam, who in god's name keeps their entire steam library installed?