The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Do you still buy physical copies of games?

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #162997  by Julius Seeker
 Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:54 pm
Or have you gone full digital yet? If you've gone full digital, when was the last time you bought a physical copy of a game for yourself?
Gifts don't count... Digital games as gifts makes a Christmas party kind of lame =P

For me, my last physical copy of a game that I purchased for myself was New Super Mario Bros U back in 2012. The reason I bought it physical is due to a sale being had at Old Navy where they would give me one free with the purchase of a few sweaters =P

Otherwise, all of my game purchases have been digital since 2012. This includes 3DS, Wii U, and PC.

How about the rest of you?
 #162999  by Don
 Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:27 pm
Probably something back in the PS2 era. Maybe Wild Arms Alter Code F? That came out fairly late I think.
 #163000  by Shrinweck
 Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:33 pm
At the time I purchased it I thought I had to buy StarCraft 2 as a physical copy, but the last physical copy I bought even though I had alternatives was Fallout 3 because it wasn't on Steam at the time and I wanted to pre-order it. My Steam library is at 280 and I'd guess only ~10 of those are f2p. Back when I first got my DS (2006? 2007?) I bought a bunch of those games physically, but that was before Fallout 3... Oh shit I just remembered I bought Catherine a couple months before my 360 red ringed and I didn't care enough to get a new one/get it repaired so that's the last game I bought physically. Damn if I count my 360 there's a good 5 or 6 games I bought quite a while after my Fallout 3 purchase. This post is falling apart all around me.

But I'm so hooked to digital games that in the past I actually considered buying Fallout 3 AGAIN on Steam just so it would be in my library.
 #163003  by Eric
 Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:32 am
If it's a multiplatform game, I typically buy it on PC, which means Steam or Origin(If it's EA only).

For console games, if it's something that's been out for a long time, I'll buy it digitally if it's on sale, or if the price is just right. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought an older game physically.

The only game I bought physically for my 3DS or PS Vita was Persona 4 Golden, rest are all digital

If it's a brand new game I can't get on PC, I'll usually preorder on Amazon and get it the day of release if I'm really pshcyed about it(INFAMOUS: SECOND SON). This works out since most games come out on Tuesday, and I have work anyway, so it's waiting for me when I get home and I don't have to worry about midnight madness.

If I'm stupidly hype about a game I might digitally order it so I can play the minute it goes live @ Midnight. I actually did this with some Blizzard games, where I'd buy a digital copy while I waited for my collector's edition to come in.
 #163005  by Lox
 Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:59 am
I'm about 50/50.

On the PC side, I would not even consider buying a physical copy of a game. With Steam sales and Humble Bundles, I have about 60 games in my library that I need to play anyway.

On the console side, I typically buy anything that is "big budget" as a physical copy because I have a sweet deal with a buddy where we share games. I'll buy one, he buys one. We use this the most with Vita games, but we also share PS3 games.

I have bought a lot of smaller titles on the Vita because of sales though. Sales are usually the only thing that pushes me towards digital copies.
 #163006  by Blotus
 Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:11 am
For consoles, yes. I buy about five games a year now and most of em are physical. Last physical was either GTA5 or Ni No Kuni.

The last two I bought digital were FF4 for PSP and The Banner Saga on Steam (digitals only).

I don't see much point for me to buy digital console titles at this point because physical copies tend to be the same price or cheaper, and I can get a couple bucks for them when I inevitably sell my 360 and PS3 within the next year.
 #163013  by Zeus
 Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:34 pm
PS Plus made me get a 32GB memory card for my Vita ($30, great deal) and upgrade my PS3s hard drive to a 500GB one ($50....OK price for a brand new one). The Club Nintendo games I get for free won't even come close to using up the 32GB on my Wii U. Aside from that, I just wait 'til the 50%+ off sales on the systems and get the games then. Happens often enough I can't keep up with just the freebie downloadable games I have. I only really pay for the ones I really want (like Trials Evolution).

Ain't nothin' wrong with digital the right price. And I will always pay a premium for the physical copy, such as Minecraft, Ducktales, or The Walking Dead (ended up getting the Back to the Future digital for $10 before they announced the physical.....asses). That's a no-brainer to me to pay an extra $5. But if the digital were $15 cheaper? The TellTale ones you can usually do for a decent price but I can usually get the physicals for $15 or less, I just wait for those.