Saw this on Steam and picked it up. It's a strategy RPG along the lines of Shining Force/Fire Emblem and it's a pretty good game, but it has one of what I'd consider a cardinal sin in SRPGs: ranking based on how well you did. These ranks aren't obtained by actually being good at the game, because to achieve the ranking you have to pretty much already know where everything is going to appear and what additional objectives will show up, and you probably need to head shot everyone along the way too. All this means is you get to save & load a lot of time, and since the ranking seems to carry an XP bonus it actually matters whether you can do well. There also appears to be no way to tell what the exact criteria on the ranking is without consulting GameFAQs or whatever so you don't really know if you're on track to meet it. This is my gripe with the older Fire Emblem games (not sure about the new ones, haven't played them at all) where they've the level/time rankings that are pretty much mutually exclusive (you need to take extra time to level up but if you do your time rating suffers so you have to know exactly how many level and how fast you have to beat to hit A rank on both), and since you don't know the exact requirement for either without GameFAQs you end up having to guess, and at least in FE4 some of the time rankings are borderline impossible to do since you can't cover enough distance with your leader without the movement ring and there's no reason for you to assume that taking the shortest path every turn to every objective and never stopping is somehow not supposed to be fast enough. This is probably a pet peeve of mine but I just don't like being told there are objectives that aren't humanely possible to get without saving after every move plus already knowing where exactly every additional objective is going to pop up, especially when those objectives do matter to the game itself.
Honestly if they want to make all this a big deal they should make it way easier and not allow you to save during a battle. I remember XCom was quite hard if you didn't save every turn because it's very easy to walk into an ambush and die horribly. In fact I'd say playing on Superhuman with saving is significantly easier than the easiest difficulty where you didn't save during battles.
Honestly if they want to make all this a big deal they should make it way easier and not allow you to save during a battle. I remember XCom was quite hard if you didn't save every turn because it's very easy to walk into an ambush and die horribly. In fact I'd say playing on Superhuman with saving is significantly easier than the easiest difficulty where you didn't save during battles.