I've always liked A Link to the Past far better, and I think this is a constructive argument. Plus Egoraptor.
They're two very different games; and I would say the first 4 games of the series are difficult to compare. It really comes down to genre preference. Personally I like Ocarina of Time better just because I find the it more fun, much more satisfying, and far more immersive - there is just so much more to do, and so much more to experience, and so much more life to the game.
Some people might prefer the top down open world action of Zelda 1, I personally hate the original game nowadays. Adventure of Link's 2D platforming and vast world elements really won me over though.
I can understand how people would prefer the more simplistic and straight forward approach to Link to the Past; but, if I were to compare Link to the Past to any other Zelda, it would be A Link Between Worlds - which I find can be best described as Link to the Past reaching its true potential. It's fun, very snappy, and doesn't feel cramped and confining like Link to the Past - and the adventure is overall more grand. I also find it is the game that successfully made Link to the Past feel obsolete.
I probably currently rank my favourite Zeldas as:
1. Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time
2. See above.
3. Wind Waker (HD)
4. Link Between Worlds
5. Skyword Sword
6. Adventure of Link
7. Link's Awakening
8. Oracle of Ages & Seasons
9. Minish Cap
10. Four Swords
One thing I really like about the Zelda series overall is the games all have very different flavours, despite using the same characters over and over again.