Being Married......With Children (

), I played lots of games with the kids this past year, including:
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros
Super Mario 3D World
New Super Mario U
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario Party 10
Yoshi's Wooly World
Although they weren't all released in 2015, that's what we got to. Thankfully, they were all excellent games. Since no one else here plays or cares about Nintendo games, I'll move on.
As for myself, I didn't get to a ton of them. And as always, I didn't necessarily play 2015 releases. But I did enjoy some, including:
Metal Gear 5 (only got to Chapter 5; playin' with a cuz, gotta wait on him) - really cool game so far but you can see it's shorter on story and longer on gameplay
Tales of the Borderlands (first 2 chapters) - freakin' awesome. Picked it up for $3.75 on a PSN sale, worth at least double that. Highly, highly recommended
Halo 5 Guardians - got through only the first chapter (only got an Xbox One on Dec 18, haven't had much of a chance to play it). Not enough for a real review
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 - best single player campaign since Modern Warfare 2. It's a solid entry in the series, I'll be picking this up again sometime
Until Dawn - about 2/3rds of the way through. Wow, what a surprisingly fun game. I'm amazed. The definition of an interactive movie (i.e. pretty limited in the gameplay department) but things change depending on your skills and choices. Really, really cool, I highly recommend
Dying Light - got about two hours into it. Pretty cool open-world zombie/parkour game where the zombies can kick your ass. I liked what I played
Trials Fusion - I love the series and played the snot out of this. Even the kids love watching this one
Transformers Devastation - got about 1/3rd of the way through it. Basically Bayonetta with Transformers. Got most of the original cast back. Not overly deep but quite fun.
Aliens Colonial Marines - I really liked the first few levels of the game but it really fizzled after that
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - I really liked the first game and the second is a ton of fun as an online multi