Did anyone play this? I picked it up lately, having missed it when it came out. Maybe I'm just behind, but oh my God, I cannot remember seeing a prettier - or more emotive - title. And this is LAST-gen tech they were working with.
The entire game looks like this all the way through - at least as far as I've played (which is admittedly just the prologue). I know photorealism is kind of the standard on a AAA studio title these days, but this came out three years ago and seems like it can compete with things released *this year*.
(For what it's worth, this was the initial release from the studio that also did Life Is Strange - Dontnod Entertainment.)

The entire game looks like this all the way through - at least as far as I've played (which is admittedly just the prologue). I know photorealism is kind of the standard on a AAA studio title these days, but this came out three years ago and seems like it can compete with things released *this year*.
(For what it's worth, this was the initial release from the studio that also did Life Is Strange - Dontnod Entertainment.)