So I beat it. Again I don't think this is a bad game or if it really deserves the super low scores it's gotten(Modern review scores means anything sub 80 is shit but still

). if this was just some random $15-20 game I picked up off steam or on sale randomly I probably wouldn't be upset about how it plays or how it looks, but as a 4 million dollar kickstarter promised as the spiritual successor to Megaman which is dead because fuck Capcom? It kinda stings know this is all we get. The game just lacks any sort of soul. There's nothing to love here.
The Xel absorb mechanic just misses the mark, it's not really fun or engaging, it's actually rather annoying. Like they decided on the mechanic, built the game around it, and even though it was never fun they stuck with it. The only boss where I KINDA liked it was the very last boss of the game, on everything else from random robot in each stage to the bosses it's a pain in the ass and seems unnecessary.
Alot of people hate the voice acting, I could take it or leave it to be honest with 1 exception, Dr. Sanda is quite possibly the most annoying video game character I've had to hear/listen to for the past 10-15 years. Sanda is PS1 era voice acting gone wrong, like holy fuck. Beck's likable enough, Dr. White is fine. Call is boring monotone anime girl that translates poorly into English from Japanese, in their defense no female voice actor in English ever gets this particular anime trope voice right. The Mighty Numbers are voiced decently enough as well. I actually really like the game's music ( being my favorite track.
Graphically the game is just ok, the big problem is that it is optimized poorly as shit across all platforms, I can't get 60 FPS on this game @ 4K, and I can with a game like Overwatch. The console situation isn't much better from what I've been told.
Overall I probably will never play it again, I played through it once to justify my purchase, I don't even care about the upcoming DLC.
I will however probably listen to the soundtrack for a while, it's the best thing to come out of the game.