1) Developers are innovators. Console manufacturers are not - they provide gimmicks and adopt stolen ideas.Zeus wrote:Nintendo has always been on the forefront of evolution in the industry. It's not about whether you like them or not it's about what has happened. Eliminating Nintendo as a hardware manufacturer is akin to eliminating indie movies from being released in theatres. You have to have SOMEONE keeping the innovation coming. Nintendo tries stuff far more often than anyone else, we need them around whether you like their games or not.kali o. wrote:I still don't like Nintendo's games, nor do I think they are good for the evolution of the industry (I think just a few days ago, they had a quote that referenced 'videogames should be treated like toys' or somesuch)...And if Seeker starts posting his delusional numbers and propaganda, I'll jump in. But I think this gen, MS is gonna get all the hate. And they deserve it.Zeus wrote: Duck! Sine and Don are coming for you!
The way budgets are going now, there are less and less chances taken. This isn't coming from me. There's a recent article from Cliffy B on the same thing and a lot of the big game developers have left to join smaller, indie companies because the business side is taking over too much. And it's just gonna get worse and worse as graphical needs keep getting more and more expensive. Even moreso now that we're entering a state of severely diminishing returns as Sine pointed out in his graphic above.
Now, I'm not saying Nintendo is the only source of innovation. Far from it. I actually have less games for my last 3 Nintendo consoles than their rivals (play time? that's a different matter :-). But as the other systems are getting more expensive with more expensive games, we may need them more and more. I don't want all my innovation on my handhelds and (to a far lesser extent) smartphones. I want something on my consoles too
Now that I'm past the initial Microshaft "FUCK YOU!", I'm waiting to see how all this falls out. By February we'll know exactly how things are gonna work. I agree with the analysts, I don't think the publishers have the balls to deny used games. Activation codes can go away as easily as they come (deactivate that requirement, no more codes in new games). If those two things happen and $ony builds in Online Passes into every game released on the PS4, you may (although very unlikely) have a situation where your PS4 actually requires you to pay more to play than your Xbox One. I ain't getting either off the bat and I will very easily wait 'til the industry settles itself before I decide.
But a Wii U? Finally enough reason to buy one now. Gonna get one at Black Friday. Only question is: does Nintendo drop the 32GB to $250 and introduce a 128GB one at $300 or do they (very unwisely) try to get the extra $50 for each level?
2) If you reference that troll, CliffyB, your point is automatically void. That little faggot made 20 mil or so as a designer with Epic. A designer. Their out of control budgets and bonuses aren't the gamers problem or an "industry" problem.
3) I still don't want a Wii U. They don't "anger" me like MS or EA, but I simply don't like them. Innovation isn't a waggle-wand or an over-priced tablet. Those are gimmicks. The way we interact with games will not substantially change until the way they are displayed undergoes REAL innovation (3d surround OLED, headsets, etc). Nintendo won't drive that innovation, especially as a toy company.
Holy shit, Tony Soprano died? The fuck...