This is by far the worst installment of the Duel of the Planeswalkers because it seems to be setup to force you to pay for the DLC for the deck unlocks. You start with either a red deck that cannot burn, or a green deck without strong creatures or decent mana acceleration. Your first opponent is a white deck with mostly weak creatures but a few strong angels. He also has path to exile, fiend hunters, and oblivion rings, so the green deck is pretty much a lost cause assuming you even lived long enough to cast your big creatures (which is hard because you've no mana acceleration in a green deck). The red deck has exactly 1 sweeper (RRR for 3 damage to all creatures) so you actually can't sweep the board and you just get crushed by his creatures, and your red deck should have all the cards unlocked already if you pre order like I did. If not it's probably not even a playable deck. So your only choice is just keep on restarting and hope you get lucky, or unlock cards 1 at a time with encounters.
In the previous two versions, Gideon Jura's deck is more than enough to take on anything until the Revenge section in 2012. Likewise in 2013 Garruk's deck is more than enough for anything except Nicol Bolas on Revenge (you pretty much have to play Jace to beat him). I don't think the green deck in 2014 even has Giant Growth. You'd have to try really hard to come up with weaker decks than the two you started with. I guess once you beat the first opponent it's got to get a lot easier but the egregious push for DLC makes me really not want to continue. It's just not fun when you play a red deck that consistently loses to a bunch of 1/1 creatures because your deck has only one card that can do mass removal.
Also, the default setting have the game pick the blocking order for enemy creatures for you, and here's something that happens basically every time in my playing. You attack with say a 3/3, the white deck blocks with a Fiend Hunter (1/3) that has something powerful exiled (that creature returns when Fiend Hunter dies) and say a 2/2. The game will always pick the 2/2 to kill first and leave the Fiend Hunter alone even though you obviously want to get rid of him as fast possible. I don't expect the game to know what's always more valuable, but seriously if you got something that has a 3/3 or better exiled why would you not kill the Fiend Hunter first?
In the previous two versions, Gideon Jura's deck is more than enough to take on anything until the Revenge section in 2012. Likewise in 2013 Garruk's deck is more than enough for anything except Nicol Bolas on Revenge (you pretty much have to play Jace to beat him). I don't think the green deck in 2014 even has Giant Growth. You'd have to try really hard to come up with weaker decks than the two you started with. I guess once you beat the first opponent it's got to get a lot easier but the egregious push for DLC makes me really not want to continue. It's just not fun when you play a red deck that consistently loses to a bunch of 1/1 creatures because your deck has only one card that can do mass removal.
Also, the default setting have the game pick the blocking order for enemy creatures for you, and here's something that happens basically every time in my playing. You attack with say a 3/3, the white deck blocks with a Fiend Hunter (1/3) that has something powerful exiled (that creature returns when Fiend Hunter dies) and say a 2/2. The game will always pick the 2/2 to kill first and leave the Fiend Hunter alone even though you obviously want to get rid of him as fast possible. I don't expect the game to know what's always more valuable, but seriously if you got something that has a 3/3 or better exiled why would you not kill the Fiend Hunter first?