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FF14 crafting

PostPosted:Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:55 am
by Don
It just dawned on me that it is exactly like Megaman. To do well in skill X, you need the tool from skill Y, which needs skill Z, etc., etc., and of course the last skill depends on skill X. Starting with Blacksmithing is like starting with Metal Man since Blacksmithing makes tools for itself plus other skills. I started with Weaving, which is like starting the game with Quickman. I can't make any of my tools and the mats themselves require not only another crafting skill (Blacksmithing) but also killing stuff. That said, having Weaving done is kind of like having the Metal Blade because you can make about half of your crafting gear for all other skills.

Re: FF14 crafting

PostPosted:Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:25 am
by Eric
Oui, keep it in the other FFXIV thread Mr.