Don't know if anybody else noticed this, but Wind Waker HD is gonna be available for at least 2 weeks early before it hits retail. This is something I expected Microsoft to push with the Xbox One back when they were "Digital or DIEEEE" but the company to lead with this is Nintendo of all places(Hopefully a small portion of the changes in their online policies going forward). Granted, this is the lone game in a sea of games, but I'd certainly love to see it become the standard. When a game goes gold, there's technically no reason a digital version can't be made readily available immediately. Hell GTA5 is sitting there on the PSN store, and the only reason we're not playing right now is because we have to wait for retail.
This also happened with New Luigi U. There was the cheaper expansion version for NSMB U and a stand alone downloadable version. About a month later the retail version was available.
I personally hope this becomes a permanent change because I generally download most of my games now.