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Today is the 125th birthday of Nintendo.

PostPosted:Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:14 pm
by M'k'n'zy
And I am going to try to do something to celebrate. I am reaching out to my friends and my Youtube subscribers to share their favorite Nintendo memories with me, and in about a week, I am going to compile those memories with music and screenshots/artwork into a video on my Youtube channel to share.

I know Nintendo these days have made a lot of wierd decisions and have done a lot of things to make a lot of people not like them like they once did. However I think most of us have those memories from when we were younger that are really happy memories involving Nintendo. To give you an example, let me share mine with you.

Mine is from when I was 6 years old and got a NES for Christmas. I remember sitting with my dad in the little room in the attic where we set it up, and us playing Baseball and trying to beat the first stage of Super Mario Brothers. We kept dying because we kept looking down at the controler whenever we had to jump *laughs* It wasn't pretty. My dad only played with me for a couple of weeks before he was basicly done, but those early memories of gaming with my dad is a lot of what got me so into gaming, as that evolved into memories of playing together with my friends.

I hope some of you will choose to share your memories with me for this project. If you want to share it, but don't want me to use it on the video (it will not be set up for ads or monotized in any way) that is fine, just let me know.

Thank you for 125 years and a lot of smiles Nintendo.

Re: Today is the 125th birthday of Nintendo.

PostPosted:Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:10 am
by Julius Seeker
Hard to say, there's so many. I would have to say it was playing Super Mario Bros 3 for the first time. There were a few other moments that were memorable, turning on Ocarina of Time for the first time; Final Fantasy Legend and Final Fantasy Adventure on Gameboy; Dragon Quest monster coliseum; Seeing Donkey Long Country for the first time and not being convinced it was real; Final Fantasy 4, 6, and Chrono Trigger openings; water in Super Mario 64 for the first time, level 2 was most memorable; Super Mario Kart, Goldeneye, Wii Sports get togethers; Just Dance parties; convincing the guy who worked at EB games to hide away 4 Wiis so me and friends could get them without dealing with the psychotic stalker crowds that would hang out all day and night at the store just for the chance of getting one; and then from my childhood, Link to the Past, following Link's Uncle out into the rain and dark music, breaking into the castle and rescuing the Princess.

There are many many many memories.

Which system unboxing was most exciting? The N64.
Which game completion was most impactful? Super Mario Bros.
Which game was most inspiring to me as a young creative writer? Faxanadu.
Which game blew me away the most? Super Mario Bros. 3
Which games did I anticipate the most? 1. Ocarina of Time, 2. Super Mario Bros 3, 3. Donkey Kong Country.
Which game do I have the fondest memories playing? Dragon Quest 9 co-op with my wife, we played excessively long over months.

Lots and lots and lots of great memories, I can't possibly list them all. I think most of my special memories come from the late NES era and the late SNES era. There's also a lot of stuff on the handheld systems I am really neglecting.