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Windows 9 free for Windows 8/8.1 Users

PostPosted:Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:21 pm
by Eric ... wners.html ... -download/
According to Indonesian news site (via BGR), Andreas Diantoro, the president of Microsoft Indonesia, confirms that Windows 9 will be a free upgrade for all Windows 8 users.
Some said that Windows 8 will get Windows 9 free of charge, while others claimed the company is also considering some sort of special offers for existing Windows XP users. A report from Indonesian online publication Detik said earlier this week that President of Microsoft Indonesia Andreas Diantoro has confirmed this particular Windows 9 feature.

According to Diantoro, the Windows 9 upgrade will be available free of charge to all existing Windows 8 users once it’s released.


It’s not clear whether other Windows users who are on older versions of the OS will get any other special offers

Re: Windows 9 free for Windows 8/8.1 Users

PostPosted:Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:02 pm
by Shrinweck
So what's the word on 9? I haven't heard anything about it yet. 7 was supposed to be the XP replacement. 8 was an attempt to make a major move to tablets.. What's 9 other than their latest cash grab?

Re: Windows 9 free for Windows 8/8.1 Users

PostPosted:Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:01 am
by Eric
There's nothing on 9 yet. Just rumors/speculation, it'll probably be out in 2015.