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Bayonetta 2 is highest scoring game this year so far.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:40 am
by Eric
Well, if you don't count Last of Us Remastered for PS4, I don't because I played it last year, but yeah!

If you own a Wii U, bite that bullet damnit, it also comes with the first Bayonetta for free which is sitting around the same meta score.

Re: Bayonetta 2 is highest scoring game this year so far.

PostPosted:Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:26 pm
by Julius Seeker
I was leaning against this one mostly because I felt burned by paying full price for Mad World. Review scores are pretty meaningless nowadays anyway.

Have you played it? Is it good? Or is it an all style and no substance game like Madworld?

Re: Bayonetta 2 is highest scoring game this year so far.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:51 am
by Eric
I personally love the Devil May Cry formula action game. I loved Bayonetta 1, Devil May Cry 1 3 4, and Metal Gear Rising. I don't know if you've played these or even liked them, but they're the reason I'm excited for this one.

The demo is up on the Nintendo E-Shop if you're wondering if you should buy it @ full price, I suggest trying it if you don't know if this is your cup of tea or not.

Mad World was.....meh to me.

Re: Bayonetta 2 is highest scoring game this year so far.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:25 am
by Julius Seeker
Those 100s from Gamespot, Joystiq, Edge magazine, and other sources make it a very tempting purchase; even if it is not my type of game.

I watched and read several reviews. Some descriptions are: ridiculous, way over the top, and pinnacle of the action genre. The only thing negative things I came across were some sites criticizing the level of sexuality in the game - which is weird, because they make no mention of the gratuitous violence being a problem at all. I suppose even the videogame press will have some republicans among them.

The Gamespot review seemed shocked that this game is the one he enjoyed the most all year.

It's interesting to note that Bayonetta 1 comes packaged with this game.

Re: Bayonetta 2 is highest scoring game this year so far.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:52 am
by Julius Seeker
I played the demo. It features a dog fight between contemporary fighter jets; you are on them fighting Angels, and summoning demons and such. Then you have to kill the demon you summoned before it destroys the city.

The action is fairly insane, and looks chaotic, but somehow feels very logical and smooth to control. It is very intuitive, you are given a simple set of controls, but you can do a massive amount of different things with them.

This game is lightyears ahead of Madworld, which in my opinion was utter crap like any other over-the-top action game I have played before. Same genre, it is just one is a poor game and the other is a fantastic game!

If you've played Kid Icarus Uprising, where it is a constant mix of action and story, then Bayonetta 2 will be very familiar in that sense. Although the gameplay is obviously different from that one.

Re: Bayonetta 2 is highest scoring game this year so far.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:23 pm
by Eric
Hey Seek, make sure you play Bayo 1 before jumping into 2, the gameplay still holds up, and 2's improvements might make it hard to go back to 1 after.