Bunch of announcements from Nintendo
PostPosted:Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:26 pm
Release Date Announcements
* Rabbids vs. Mario RPG (XCom Style) August 2017
* Fire Emblem Heroes September 2017
* Super Mario Odyssey October 2017
* Xenoblade Chronicles 2 November 2017
New Game Announcements
* Metroid 2 Remake for 3DS was just announced with a trailer and treehouse demo (as I am writing this)
* Next Mainline Pokemon on Switch
* Metroid Prime 4
* 2D Sidescroller Kirby Switch
* Yoshi platformer for Switch
* Rocket League announced for Switch
Flagship Game Key Details
* Super Mario Odyssey core gameplay mechanic is essentially Space Station Silicon Valley on Steroids, you can use your hat to possess a bunch of different enemies, and flip out to become Mario again. This game also looks to incorporate Link Between Worlds style wall merging, except it turns into classic style 2D Mario gameplay - enemies can transfer into the 3D world as well. It looks like a worthy Galaxy/Mario 64 successor.
* Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is unrelated to Xenoblade Chronicles or Xenoblade Chronicles X, but looks heavily influenced by Faxanadu and Skies of Arcadia, while not specifically shown, the Zohar looks to be making an appearance. There's a character that looks heavily based on Albedo in it.
So the format Nintendo is using is a bit different, they kicked off with a Spotlight Nintendo Direct which really didn't spend much time on any particular title. Then they are expanding on what was shown in that Spotlight during Treehouse events throughout the rest of the event. They are also announcing new titles, showing new trailers, and showing gameplay for the newly announced titles over the next three days. The first of these was Metroid 2.
* Rabbids vs. Mario RPG (XCom Style) August 2017
* Fire Emblem Heroes September 2017
* Super Mario Odyssey October 2017
* Xenoblade Chronicles 2 November 2017
New Game Announcements
* Metroid 2 Remake for 3DS was just announced with a trailer and treehouse demo (as I am writing this)
* Next Mainline Pokemon on Switch
* Metroid Prime 4
* 2D Sidescroller Kirby Switch
* Yoshi platformer for Switch
* Rocket League announced for Switch
Flagship Game Key Details
* Super Mario Odyssey core gameplay mechanic is essentially Space Station Silicon Valley on Steroids, you can use your hat to possess a bunch of different enemies, and flip out to become Mario again. This game also looks to incorporate Link Between Worlds style wall merging, except it turns into classic style 2D Mario gameplay - enemies can transfer into the 3D world as well. It looks like a worthy Galaxy/Mario 64 successor.
* Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is unrelated to Xenoblade Chronicles or Xenoblade Chronicles X, but looks heavily influenced by Faxanadu and Skies of Arcadia, while not specifically shown, the Zohar looks to be making an appearance. There's a character that looks heavily based on Albedo in it.
So the format Nintendo is using is a bit different, they kicked off with a Spotlight Nintendo Direct which really didn't spend much time on any particular title. Then they are expanding on what was shown in that Spotlight during Treehouse events throughout the rest of the event. They are also announcing new titles, showing new trailers, and showing gameplay for the newly announced titles over the next three days. The first of these was Metroid 2.