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Golf Story - very creative RPG for the Switch

PostPosted:Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:30 am
by Julius Seeker
It's developed by an Australian developer who seems to be very hush-hush about their studio and experience. This is their first game, and it is very Iwata-esque. To expand a little on that:

* It uses the 3-point system designed by Iwata back in the early 80s, and still heavily used in golf games around the world to this day.
* The humour is spot-on Earthbound style - lots of satire, randomness that seems like a logical fit, and the humorous dialogue. It has a bit of an Australian twist (using the word mate and such).
* The variety of stuff that these systems interact with is fairly large, similar to the Kirby games.

While Iwata wasn't solely responsible for all of the elements here, he was a major figure on the dev teams of all of these games; and had significant input.

There's a lot of sound effects that seem reminiscent of Earthbound and some other games, including Mario Galaxy.

The story begins in the past, you're a kid who is a bit of a golfing protege. This is essentially the tutorial. Fast-forward 20 years, you're now an adult going through some kind of an early midlife crisis, and in what appears to be a relationship that has broken down. You take up golfing.

The gameplay is a mix of RPG mechanics and golf-game mechanics, lots of little stories and major arcs, all sorts of variety. The game is filled with all sorts of charm of the great 16-bit era games, and yet, unlike some of those throwback games, seems like it's very appropriate for today's market.

Aside from all the Iwata games that this is reminiscent of, it also has a bit of a Mario RPG feeling as well.

The game is polished enough that it is surprising that it just kind of materialized and snuck quietly onto the E-Shop. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that this game is not just some mysterious indie developer taking a first swing; usually they're incredibly loud on social media and such, prior to the games release (think Studio Pixel, Yacht Club, and ConcernedApe) and this one was dead quiet. I would guess this studio has significant backing from Nintendo.

Take a look at the trailer:

Here's their website:

The game is available now on the EShop.

Re: Golf Story - very creative RPG for the Switch

PostPosted:Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:15 pm
by M'k'n'zy
I've been hearing great things about this, it's actually downloading it now, hoping to check it out as soon as I get off work.

Re: Golf Story - very creative RPG for the Switch

PostPosted:Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:39 am
by Oracle
I've sunk a lot of time into this game :p On the last course now.

Re: Golf Story - very creative RPG for the Switch

PostPosted:Tue Oct 10, 2017 3:23 pm
by M'k'n'zy
I made the mistake of buying this and Stardew Valley at the same time. There goes my free time *laughs*

Re: Golf Story - very creative RPG for the Switch

PostPosted:Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:18 am
by Oracle
So I finished the game a couple nights ago. Pretty good bang-for-the-buck with that purchase.

Best score I managed was a -14 on 9 holes in the Tidy Park tournament. I'm pretty happy with that considering the awful clubs you have to use.