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More eBay craziness...
PostPosted:Mon Mar 12, 2001 9:55 pm
by Brack Rotus
<div style='font: 10pt papyrus, Modern; text-align: left; padding: 0% 7% 0% 7%; '><b>Link:</b> <a href=" ... ">Crazy</a>
More eBay craziness...</div>
PostPosted:Mon Mar 12, 2001 10:09 pm
by Navaash Fenwylde
<div style='font: 9pt "Times New Roman", Modern; text-align: left; '>Good god, 'the Honus Wagner of video games'? One, that would belong to Tengen Tetris, and two, have these bidders ever heard of a Funcoland? :P</div>
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 1:26 am
by Judgment 1999
<div style='font: 14pt Modern; text-align: left; '>And there's still 5 days to go on the auction. o_O</div>
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 1:26 am
by Judgment 1999
<div style='font: 14pt Modern; text-align: left; '>Or emulators? :)</div>
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 1:48 pm
by Agent 57
<div style='font: 9pt Modern; text-align: left; '>Or staying away from eBay because it is a horrible evil temptress whore?</div>
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 1:58 pm
by Ishamael
<div style='font: 12pt Modern; text-align: left; '>I should have left more of my NES games factory sealed...yeesh...</div>
I couldn't leave them factory sealed....
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 2:11 pm
by Agent 57
<div style='font: 9pt Modern; text-align: left; '>I was always so excited when I got a new one, I just had to tear off the shrinkwrap, open the box, flip through the instruction booklet, gently pull the game out of the plastic sleeve, unscrew the outer casing, and start chomping on the board itself. Mmm...memory is so tasty, and the circuit board is a perfect complementary crust, especially with gold plated frosting on the ends.
NES that's good eatin'!</div>
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 8:03 pm
by Ishamael
<div style='font: 12pt Modern; text-align: left; '>You need help...professional help...really fast....</div>
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 11:26 pm
by Pete Wisdom
<div style='font: 12pt Garamond, Modern; text-align: left; '>Pot...kettle...yadda yadda...</div>
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2001 11:46 pm
by IshamaeI
<div style='font: 9pt Modern; text-align: left; '>Your one to talk</div>
PostPosted:Wed Mar 14, 2001 3:10 pm
by Ishamael
<div style='font: 12pt Modern; text-align: left; '>Bah, shaddup...BTW, this is the REAL Ish...the other one is Seek trying to be me...again...</div>