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Skies of Arcadia - Random battles...

PostPosted:Sat Apr 07, 2001 11:59 am
by Chief
<div style='font: 9pt Modern; text-align: left; '>I love this game and all, but the random battles on the Overworld are REALLY starting to get on my nerves. I don't mind the random ecounters in the dungeons, but last night, it took me at LEAST 30 minutes to get across the ocean to Ixa'Taka for the first time. I almost went insane because the battles occured so damn frequently, and my ship was moving so damn slow...

Anyway, I remember that someone mentioned that you can get something similar to "EncNone" from FF8 in this game so that you have no random encounters in the overworld. Where at and when in the game can I get it?</div>

PostPosted:Sat Apr 07, 2001 12:38 pm
by Tortolia
<div style='font: 9pt arial, Modern; text-align: left; '>The South Ocean (which you just went through) is the worst part of the game for that...anyhoo, expect to be doing random battles for quite a while longer - you can only really avoid them during the last third of the game.</div>

There's something call a White Map that lowers encounter rate

PostPosted:Sat Apr 07, 2001 1:15 pm
by Don
<div style='font: 12pt Modern; text-align: left; '>But I've never seen it in the entire game. Like Tort says, eventually you'll be able to avoid the random encounters.</div>

PostPosted:Sat Apr 07, 2001 1:56 pm
by Torgo
<div style='font: 9pt Arial, Modern; text-align: left; '>Just perfect. That's where I am now....</div>

One thing I noticed about Dungeons in the game

PostPosted:Sat Apr 07, 2001 2:59 pm
by Gilder
<div style='font: 12pt Modern; text-align: left; '>Is that Dungeons after Ixa'taka seam to get shorter and shorter, I like all the Dungeons in the game quite a bit, my two favorites are still up ahead in the game. As well as my favorite town in the game. One thing I've always wanted to know is if it is possible to enter the Upper City at any point in the game, it just seamed to be there.</div>