<div style='font: 12pt Modern; text-align: left; '>I'm more or less basing from economic analysis. I know I've heard the cost of development for FF7 and Shenmue is around the $50 million range. Now, clearly since they're a brand new effort with a brand new game engine on a new system, there're going to be a bit more expensive than your average million seller (or rather, games that are expected to sell a million), but I find it a little hard to believe that similar million sellers can be developed for, say, $2 million. I'm using tens of millions as an estimate for the budget of any games that is expected to sell millions on a console system, and I think it's a pretty reliable one. Anything less than this then you'd just see these titles mass produced like there's no tomorrow, since if it costs you so little to get a million seller you'll be pumping them out left and right. This, incidentally, is the case of Pokemon. This is a clearly low budget game (it just can't possibly take that many people to program these things, especially if it's on the gameboy), and that's why you see a whole mess of Pokemon games all over the place. Wrestling games are like this. Sports games are like this. Final Fantasy is sort of like this too. Quality versus quantity is probably the biggest myth of video gaming. If you can cheaply produce a game that sells a million, you'd be making 15 versions of the same thing until people stop buying it.
If we use tens of millions as the development cost, assuming each game you make $30, then it stands to reason that you probably need around a million sales to cover the cost. Once again, I think it's just common sense that if you can really make that much money from a million sellers, then the million sellers will be mass produced, like the Pokemon and Final Fantasies of the world. But Nintendo is not doing that, and I don't think it's because they don't care about money. It's because most of their million sellers are expensive and they can ill afford to mass produce them since if any of them flopped, they'll be in big trouble, compare to say, a Pokemon game flopping is no big deal since it never took that much money to made it in the first place.</div>